内容简介:HOPEis a fast dictionary-based compressor that encodes arbitrary byte-strings while preserving their order. It is optimized for compressing database index keys. Detailed description can be found in ourA simple example can be foundWe included a sample of th
High-speed Order-Preserving Encoder (HOPE)
HOPEis a fast dictionary-based compressor that encodes arbitrary byte-strings while preserving their order. It is optimized for compressing database index keys. Detailed description can be found in our SIGMOD paper .
Install Dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libgtest.dev cd /usr/src/gtest sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt sudo make sudo cp *.a /usr/lib
mkdir build cd build cmake .. make -j
Usage Example
A simple example can be found here . To run the example:
cd build ./example
Unit Tests
make test
./scripts/run_experiment.sh [OPTION]
We included a sample of the Wiki and URL datasets in this repository. To reproduce the results in our paper, please download the full datasets (download links are in the paper) to replace the samples. Our Email dataset is private. You need to provide your own email list (email.txt) to run the corresponding experiments. Below are options to facilitate running a subset of the full benchmark:
Options -r, --repeat_times=N Run each experiment N times and report the average measurements. Default: 1. --email, --wiki, --url Run the benchmark using the Email/Wiki/URL dataset. If unspecified, the scripts includes the Wiki and URL experiments. --alldatasets Include benchmarks for all three datasets. --alm Include the alm-based encoders. The other encoders (Single, Double, 3-gram, 4-gram) are enabled by default. --surf, --art, --hot, --btree, --prefixbtree Run the SuRF/ART/HOT/B+tree/prefix B+tree benchmark suite. --all Run the full benchmark. If unspecified, the script only runs the microbenchmarks for Wiki and URL.
The above script will record benchmark measurements under "results/". The master plotting script is under "scripts/". The individual scripts are under "plots/". Generated figures will be under "figures/". Make sure you run the benchmark with the --alm option on before using the plotting scripts.
Copyright 2020, Carnegie Mellon University
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 .
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Dagfinn Reiersol、Marcus Baker、Chris Shiflett / 张颖 等、段大为 审校 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010-01 / 69.00元
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