Google Summer of Code 2020 started

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:ThePostgreSQL Project participates inThe project defined a number of milestones, and evaluated the current database structure. Modifications are required on this front, and will be applied over the following days. Also the structure for sending data from t

ThePostgreSQL Project participates in Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020, with 3 projects. After the “Community Bonding” period finished last week , we are now in the active development phase - “Coding” as Google calls it. All three projects make good progress!

Performance Farm

The project defined a number of milestones, and evaluated the current database structure. Modifications are required on this front, and will be applied over the following days. Also the structure for sending data from the client to the project server is re-evaluated and modified. The student started with the database design modifications, and also with documenting the changes and terminology used.

PL/Java build system

Thanks to the ongoing work setting up the continuous integration, PL/Java's master branch - which will become the 1.6 release - is now getting regular CI builds against several PostgreSQL and Java versions on amd64 Ubuntu and Mac OS X, and the student has moved on to setting up the same for Windows. We had a goal to enable test options in the CI builds that were otherwise impractically strict, and identify ways to filter the output down to a manageable volume which is exposing real issues. Through a combination of fixes to some real PL/Java warnings, and a small state machine now keeping known non-PL/Java ones out of the log, the project now builds -Xcheck:jni clean. The first actual bug found through the students work got fixed before the bonding period ended - the bug had been there for fifteen years.

The later part of the work will involve more straight-up coding, to replace a Maven plugin now used in PL/Java's build that isn't quite suited to the need. The proposal outlined a few reasons for that and the preliminary work has already uncovered more reasons. It was already a goal of that work to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of diagnostics from that plugin, so already solving a similar problem for -Xcheck:jni was a good warmup.

WAL-G performance

First 2 weeks are going almost as we planned, the student started working on the first task during the phase of proposals. In the first week he updated his PR and we merged it. The first feature already works. This week he updated it with several improvements (mostly refactorings) and started working on test coverage of the first feature and also making some drafts on the second feature. Now we have discussion about design details of the second feature. I hope it will help to implement it according to the current plan.

Thank you to all mentors for the status update!

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[日] 西尾泰和 / 曾一鸣 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-8 / 45.00元

《代码之髓:编程语言核心概念》作者从编程语言设计的角度出发,围绕语言中共通或特有的核心概念,通过语言演变过程中的纵向比较和在多门语言中的横向比较,清晰地呈现了程序设计语言中函数、类型、作用域、类、继承等核心知识。本书旨在帮助读者更好地理解各种概念是因何而起,并在此基础上更好地判断为何使用、何时使用及怎样使用。同时,在阅读本书后,读者对今后不断出现的新概念的理解能力也将得到提升。 《代码之髓:......一起来看看 《代码之髓》 这本书的介绍吧!



