tzdb: Simplified list of time zones and offsets, always up to date, full data included

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:This is a list and npm package of:The data and npm packages areThis is useful whenever you want to build a time zone select menu in your application.


This is a list and npm package of:

  • "simplified" IANA time zones and their offset names
  • all existing IANA time zones names
  • and major cities (population > 5,000) with their associated time zones and offset names

The data and npm packages are automatically updated whenever there are changes to which is generated from IANA databases.

This is useful whenever you want to build a time zone select menu in your application.

Available data


This is most probably what you're looking for if you're trying to build a good current time zones selector in your application.

Example data:

  "formatted":"-09:00 Alaska Time - Anchorage, Juneau",
  "formatted":"-09:00 Gambier Time - Gambier",
  "formatted":"-08:00 Pacific Time - Los Angeles",

As you can see, we provide the time zone name and a pre-formatted version using more common offset names.


  • Grouping: when two different time zones names are in the same country, same offset and dst rules then we merge them and select the time zone name from the biggest city
  • We provide two cities when grouping happens, ranked by population
  • We provide offset names ("Pacific Time") without dst and remove "Standard" and "Daylight"
  • This can be used to build a good enough (Google calendar like) select box of time zones, but it's your responsibility to handle dst and real offsets


This is a list of major cities (population > 5,000) and their associated time zone information, ranked by population. This is useful if you want to build an application where the user will type a city and you want the time zone information out of it.

Example data:

  "name":"Los Angeles",
  "countryName":"United States",
  "timeZoneOffsetNameWithoutDst":"Pacific Time",
  "timeZoneOffsetNameWithoutDst":"Bangladesh Time",
  "timeZoneOffsetNameWithoutDst":"China Time",
  "timeZoneOffsetNameWithoutDst":"Eastern European Time",


This is the raw list of all IANA time zones ranked by alphabetical order.

Example data:


NPM package


npm add @vvo/tzdb


import cities from "@vvo/tzdb/cities-with-time-zones.json";
import simplifiedTimeZones from "@vvo/tzdb/simplified-time-zones.json";
import timeZones from "@vvo/tzdb/time-zones-names.json";


You can store cities information on a search engine like Algolia . There's a yarn build command you can use if you clone this repository to create your own Algolia index. The expected environment variables are:


Here's a demo of the index:

tzdb: Simplified list of time zones and offsets, always up to date, full data included

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弗里曼 (Eric Friiman)、罗布森 (Elisabdth Robson) / 东南大学出版社 / 2012-4 / 98.00元

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