Sir Professor David Mackay revolutionised Machine Learning. There’s no question about it. His abundance of knowledge was clear from his research, his selflessness, and his ground breaking work on Information Theory . Both the fields of Gaussian Processes and Neural Networks owe him a lot.
During my studies I came across the following question in his book which, unbeknown to me at the time, would revolutionise my way of thinking about Machine Learning.
The question itself is nothing more than a graduate level maths question, but some things register in different ways. In particular, I always visualised probability as maybe a 2 or at most 3 dimension problem. This was wrong.
Multivariate studies are hard to understand and harder to visualise, but imagine that the density in ‘space’ or ‘object’ was of a uniform distribution. That is, that density is uniformly distributed throughout the space. From here, the problem conjects that:
Probability distributions and volumes have some unexpected properties in high-dimensional spaces.
Consider a sphere of radius r
in an N
-dimensional real space. Show that the fraction ( f
)of the volume of the sphere that is in the surface shell lying at values of the radius between r − ϵ
and r, where 0 < ϵ< r
, is:
Further, evaluate the function for N = 2, 10, 1000
and for ϵ/r=0.01, 0.5.
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注意力经济: 如何把大众的注意力变成生意
吴修铭 / 中信出版集团股份有限公司 / 2018-4-1 / 69
编辑推荐 这本书由万维钢作序,并在《得到》日课中多次推荐!中文版未上市之前,中文前沿媒体就在力推这本书!关于注意力争夺战的历史和现在,作者给了权威的梳理和定位! 百年来,在争夺注意力的战场上,媒体、广告、商人、企业和大众成为博弈的主角。商人是如何在注意力争夺战中获利的?媒体是如何在改变报道形式的?广告是如何进化的?以及,营销是如何变得随处可见、无孔不入的呢?这本书讲述了令商人或企业从吸......一起来看看 《注意力经济: 如何把大众的注意力变成生意》 这本书的介绍吧!