Xrdp: An open source RDP server

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:xrdpprovides a graphical login to remote machines using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). xrdp accepts connections from a variety of RDP clients: FreeRDP, rdesktop, NeutrinoRDP and Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Androi

Current Version: 0.9.13

xrdp - an open source RDP server


xrdpprovides a graphical login to remote machines using Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). xrdp accepts connections from a variety of RDP clients: FreeRDP, rdesktop, NeutrinoRDP and Microsoft Remote Desktop Client (for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android).

RDP transport is encrypted using TLS by default.

Xrdp: An open source RDP server


Remote Desktop Access

  • Connect to a Linux desktop using RDP from anywhere (requires xorgxrdp Xorg module)
  • Reconnect to an existing session
  • Session resizing
  • RDP/VNC proxy (connect to another RDP/VNC server via xrdp)

Access to Remote Resources

Quick Start

Most Linux distributions should distribute the latest release of xrdp in their repository. You would need xrdp and xorgxrdp packages for the best experience. It is recommended that xrdp depends on xorgxrdp, so it should be sufficient to install xrdp. If xorgxrdp is not provided, use Xvnc server.

xrdp listens on 3389/tcp. Make sure your firewall accepts connection to 3389/tcp from where you want to access.

Ubuntu / Debian

apt install xrdp

RedHat / CentOS / Fedora

On RedHat and CentOS, make sure to enable EPEL packages first.

yum install epel-release

Install xrdp package.

yum install xrdp

yum is being replaced with dnf , so you may need to use dnf instead of yum in the above commands.


xrdpprimarily targets to GNU/Linux. Tested on x86, x86_64, SPARC and PowerPC.

xorgxrdp and RemoteFX Codec have special optimization for x86 and x86_64 using SIMD instructions.

FreeBSD is not a primary target of xrdp. It is working on FreeBSD except for the drive redirection feature.

Other operating systems such as macOS are not supported so far, but we welcome your contributions.


See also https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp/wiki#building-from-sources


To compile xrdp from the packaged sources, you need basic build tools - a compiler ( gcc or clang ) and the make program. Additionally, you would need openssl-devel , pam-devel , libX11-devel , libXfixes-devel , libXrandr-devel . More additional software would be needed depending on your configuration.

To compile xrdp from a checked out git repository, you would additionally need autoconf , automake , libtool and pkgconfig .

Get the source and build it

If compiling from the packaged source, unpack the tarball and change to the resulting directory.

If compiling from a checked out repository, please make sure you've got the submodules cloned too (use git clone --recursive https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xrdp )

Then run following commands to compile and install xrdp:

sudo make install

If you want to use audio redirection, you need to build and install additional pulseaudio modules. The build instructions can be found at wiki.

Directory Structure

├── common ······ common code
├── docs ········ documentation
├── fontdump ···· font dump for Windows
├── genkeymap ··· keymap generator
├── instfiles ··· installable data file
├── keygen ······ xrdp RSA key pair generator
├── libpainter ·· painter library
├── librfxcodec · RFX codec library
├── libxrdp ····· core RDP protocol implementation
├── m4 ·········· Autoconf macros
├── mc ·········· media center module
├── neutrinordp · RDP client module for proxying RDP connections using NeutrinoRDP
├── pkgconfig ··· pkg-config configuration
├── sesman ······ session manager for xrdp
├── tcutils ····· QT based utility program for thin clients
├── tests ······· tests for the code
├── vnc ········· VNC client module for xrdp
├── vrplayer ···· QT player redirecting video/audio to clients over xrdpvr channel
├── xrdp ········ main server code
├── xrdpapi ····· virtual channel API
├── xrdpvr ······ API for playing media over RDP
└── xup ········· X11rdp and xorgxrdp client module

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






Kip Irvine / 电子工业出版社 / 2007-9-1 / 61.00元

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