web-vitals-reporter – a tiny (800 B) utility library to simplify web vitals reporting

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:A tiny (800 B) utility to simplifyTheReport


A tiny (800 B) utility to simplify web vitals reporting.

The web-vitals is a small and powerful library to accurately measure Web Vitals . It has no opinion on how to report data from the browser to analytics. The web-vitals-reporter makes collecting Web Vitals as simple, as sending one POST request.


  • Collect Web Vitals with one request per session.
  • Gather useful device information (dimensions).
  • Handle edge-cases like multiple CLS calls, round values, and sendBeacon fallback.
  • Report custom front-end metrics.
  • Tiny (800 B), functional, and modular.


Report Core Web Vitals to an API endpoint:

import { getLCP, getFID, getCLS } from 'web-vitals'
import { createApiReporter } from 'web-vitals-reporter'

// Create a report function that sends a POST request at the end of the session.
// An example body: { id: '1591874424275-9122658877754', duration: 8357, LCP: 1721, FID: 3, CLS: 0.0319 }
const sendToAnalytics = createApiReporter('/analytics')


Report Web Vitals with an extended device information:

import { getFCP, getTTFB, getCLS, getFID, getLCP } from 'web-vitals'
import { createApiReporter, getDeviceInfo } from 'web-vitals-reporter'

// Init report callback and add information about a device.
// An example body: { id: '1591874402350-8969370227936', duration: 19185, url: 'https://treo.sh/',
//                    referrer: 'https://github.com/, userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 ...',
//                    cpus: 8, memory: 8, connection: {rtt: 100, downlink: 5, effectiveType: '4g'},
//                    TTFB: 253, FCP: 502, LCP: 1487, FID: 6, CLS: 1.5602 }

const sendToAnalytics = createApiReporter('/analytics', { initial: getDeviceInfo() })


Measure performance for Next.js application :

import { createApiReporter } from 'web-vitals-reporter'

// init reporter
const report = createApiReporter('/analytics')

// export `reportWebVitals` custom function
export function reportWebVitals(metric) {
  if (metric.label === 'web-vitals') {
  } else {
    report({ name: metric.name, value: metric.value })

// or just, `report` supports custom metrics:
export { report as reportWebVitals }


createApiReporter(url, [options])

Create a report function, that accepts Web Vitals' Metric or any { name: string, value: number } object. At the end of the session, it sends collected data to url using a POST request.


Use initial to add extra context to the result object. By default web-vitals-reporter only adds id and session duration . It's possible to rewrite id with the initial object.

import { getFID } from 'web-vitals'
import { createApiReporter, getDeviceInfo } from 'web-vitals-reporter'

const report = createApiReporter('/analytics', {
  initial: { id: 'custom-id', cpus: getDeviceInfo().cpus },


// reported body:
  id: 'custom-id',
  cpus: 8,
  FID: 24,
  duration: 4560 // session duration

options.onSend(url, result)

By default web-vitals-reporter uses sendBeacon and fallbacks to XMLHttpRequest .

Use onSend to implement a custom request logic, like logging data in development, or adding extra headers with window.fetch .

import { createApiReporter } from 'web-vitals-reporter'

// detect Lighthouse using an `userAgent`
const isLighthouse = Boolean(navigator.userAgent.match('Chrome-Lighthouse'))

// exclude `localhost`
const isLocalhost = location.origin.includes('localhost')

// don't send results to API when a page tested with Lighthouse
const report = createApiReporter('/analytics', {
    isLighthouse || isLocalhost
      ? (url, result) => {
          console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, '  '))
      : null,

To see output in the console, set Preserve log option and refresh the page.

web-vitals-reporter – a tiny (800 B) utility library to simplify web vitals reporting

options.mapMetric(metric, result)

By default web-vitals-reporter only rounds metric.value for known Web Vitals ( code ).

Use mapMetric to implement a custom metric mapping. For example:

import { createApiReporter } from 'web-vitals-reporter'

const report = createApiReporter('/analytics', {
  mapMetric: (metric) => {
    switch (metric.name) {
      // capture LCP element and its size
      case 'LCP': {
        const entry = metric.entries[metric.entries.length - 1] // use the last
        return {
          largestContentfulPaint: metric.value,
          largestContentfulElement: getCssSelector(entry.element), // custom helper
          largestContentfulElementSize: entry.size,

      // capture cumulative/largest/total layout shift
      case 'CLS': {
        return {
          cumulativeLayoutShift: metric.value,
          largestLayoutShift: Math.max(...metric.entries.map((e) => e.value)),
          totalLayoutShifts: metric.entries.length,

      // report more information about first input
      case 'FID': {
        const entry = metric.entries[0]
        return {
          firstInputDelay: metric.value,
          firstInputName: entry.name,
          firstInputTime: entry.startTime,

      // default name –> value mapping
        return { [metric.name]: metric.value }



It is a helper that returns device information (connection type, memory size, or the number of CPU cores). Use these data to add dimensions to your analytics.

import { getDeviceInfo } from 'web-vitals-reporter'

// printed in console:
  "url": "https://treo.sh/",
  "referrer": "https://github.com/",
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 ...",
  "cpus": 8,
  "memory": 8,
  "connection": { "rtt": 100, "downlink": 5, "effectiveType": "4g" }

Return types:

  // The page URL from `location.href`.
  url?: string,

  // The referrer value from `document.referrer`.
  // It's useful to detect unique visits, without cookies or fingerprinting
  // https://docs.simpleanalytics.com/uniques
  referrer?: string,

  // The value of `navigator.userAgent` for browser detection
  userAgent?: string,

  // An approximate amount of device memory in gigabytes:
  // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Navigator/deviceMemory
  memory?: number,

  // The number of CPU cores:
  // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NavigatorConcurrentHardware/hardwareConcurrency
  cpus?: number,

  // The network information:
  // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/NetworkInformation
  connection?: {
    effectiveType: string,
    rtt: number,
    downlink: number,


Sponsored by Treo.sh - Page speed monitoring made simple .

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计算机程序设计艺术(第3卷 英文版·第2版)

Donald E.Knuth / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010-10 / 119.00元

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