keen-slider - The HTML touch slider carousel with the most native feeling

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:keen-slideris a free library agnostic touch slider with native touch/swipe behavior and great performance. It comes withIf you find a bug or have ideas for better code, I would be grateful for your contribution. Just create an issue or a pull request.


keen-slider - The HTML touch slider carousel with the most native feeling keen-slider - The HTML touch slider carousel with the most native feeling

keen-slideris a free library agnostic touch slider with native touch/swipe behavior and great performance. It comes with no dependencies , typescript support , multitouch support and is compatible with all common browsers including IE 10 .

Getting Started


If you find a bug or have ideas for better code, I would be grateful for your contribution. Just create an issue or a pull request.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






理查德·福斯特 / 王宇锋 / 中信出版社 / 2008-10 / 32.00元

《创新:进攻者的优势》内容简介:为什么一流企业突然间将它们的市场拱手让与新的竞争者?要避免这样的命运,需要无情地抛弃那些过去使它们成功的技能和产品,那么究竟哪些企业能够做到这一点呢?企业如果总是墨守成规、因循守旧,那么长期下去,必然无法以市场的速度及规模进行革新或创造价值。这样的企业会像得州仪器、施乐等市场领先者一样,被一些资源较少、技术较差、市场支配力较弱的竞争对手超越,而这些所谓进攻者的优势,......一起来看看 《创新》 这本书的介绍吧!

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