内容简介:For this family of models, the research needs to have at hand a dataset with some observations and the labels/classes of the observations. For example, the observations could be images of animals and the labels the name of the animal (e.g. cat, dog etc).Th
For this family of models, the research needs to have at hand a dataset with some observations and the labels/classes of the observations. For example, the observations could be images of animals and the labels the name of the animal (e.g. cat, dog etc).
These models learn from the labeled dataset and then are used to predict future events. For the training procedure, the input is a known training data set with its corresponding labels, and the learning algorithm produces an inferred function to finally make predictions about some new unseen observations that one can give to the model. The model is able to provide targets for any new input after sufficient training. The learning algorithm can also compare its output with the correct intended output (ground truth label) and find errors in order to modify itself accordingly (e.g. via back-propagation).
Supervisedmodels can be further grouped into regression and classification cases :
- Classification : A classification problem is when the output variable is a category e.g. “disease” / “no disease”.
- Regression : A regression problem is when the output variable is a real continuous value e.g. stock price prediction
Some examples of models that belong to this family are the following: SVC, LDA, SVR, regression, random forests etc.
2.2 Unsupervised machine learning algorithms/methods
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闫荣 / 机械工业出版社 / 2016-4 / 69.00
本书第一版出版后广获好评,应广大读者要求,作者把自己在实践中新近总结的10个关于产品的最佳实践融入到了这本新书中。这"10件事"侧重于深挖产品需求和产品疯传背后的秘密,配合之前的"50件事",不仅能帮产品经理打造出让用户尖叫并疯传的产品,还能帮助产品经理迅速全方位提升自己的能力。 本书作者有超过10年的产品工作经验,在互联网产品领域公认的大咖,这本书从产品经理核心素养、产品认知、战略与规划、......一起来看看 《产品心经:产品经理应该知道的60件事(第2版)》 这本书的介绍吧!