Beginning RecyclerView
Jun 9 2020 · Video Course (1 min) · Beginner
Learn how to create lists in Android using the RecyclerView. Dive into RecyclerView components such as adapters and view holders, and leverage them to produce rich user interfaces as well as provide behavior that your users will expect.
- Kotlin 1.3, Android 10, Android Studio 3.5.3
Getting Started Core Concepts User Interface Android & Kotlin Tutorials
Who is this for?
New Android developers who are looking to improve their Android development skills. This course is also suited for advanced developers looking to learn more about the RecyclerView and what can be achieved while using it.
Covered concepts
- RecyclerViews
- Adapters
- View Holders
- Different Layouts
- Decoration Drawing
- Item Animations
- Section Headers
- Multiple View Types
- Rearranging Rows
- Swipe to Delete
- Multiple Selection
Brian is an instructor at Razeware who develops courses and screencasts on a wide variety of topics of iOS development. When...
Graphic Illustrator with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts. I am a perpetual perfection seeker with a big passion for History...
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