内容简介:We already started collecting our questions for Apple engineers. On the other hand, I decided to share with you myLast year
We already started collecting our questions for Apple engineers. On the other hand, I decided to share with you my SwiftUI wishlist for WWDC20. This week we will talk about possible additions and changes in SwiftUI . I will show you also API that I expect to see during the next release of SwiftUI .
ScrollView has a bunch of bugs right now. I believe Apple will fix all of them, but I also hope for a content offset binding option. There is no way to get or set the current content offset of ScrollView in SwiftUI . We need a way to both assign and read the offset, and it is a perfect use-case for a Binding . Let’s take a look at the quick example.
struct RootView: View { @State private var offset: CGPoint = .zero var body: some View { ScrollView(.vertical, showsIndicators: false, offset: $offset) { Text("Very long text") Button("Jump to top") { self.offset = .zero } } } }
CollectionView and CompositionalLayout
Last year Apple released CompositionLayout that provides us a declarative way of building complex layouts for UICollectionView . The buzzword here is declarative . It feels very natural for SwiftUI to have a similar API , I’m not sure why Apple didn’t release it last year, but I expect to see it soon.
CompositionalLayout introduces a few concepts to manage complex layouts. For example, it has sections, groups, and items. As you know, we already have these concepts in SwiftUI . I think SwiftUI views like Group and Section can behave in another way depending on the context. We already saw that views can behave differently inside a Form or a List . Let’s take a look at how it might work in SwiftUI .
struct AppStoreView: View { let featured: [App] let appsWeLove: [App] var body: some View { CompositionalLayout { Section(.groupPagingCentered) { Group(.horizontal, width: .fractionalWidth(0.5), height: .fractionalHeight(0.5)) { ForEach(featured) { app in FeatureAppView(app: app) } } } Section { Group(.vertical, width: .fractionalWidth(0.9), height: .estimated(200)) { ForEach(appsWeLove) { app in SmallAppView(app: app) } } } } } }
As I already said multiple times, Navigation in SwiftUI is really problematic. The main rule behind the SwiftUI framework is “view is a function of some state” . SwiftUI doesn’t apply this rule to Navigation . Navigation in SwiftUI looks like uncontrollable magic. In my opinion, it also should be a function of a state where the state describes a navigation stack. Let’s take a look at the example.
enum Destination { case master case details(Post) } struct RootView: View { @EnvironmentObject var router: Router<Destination> var body: some View { RouterView(router: router) { destination in switch destination { case .master: return PostsView() case .details(let post): return PostDetails(post: post) } } } }
As you can see, RouterView accepts an instance of the Router class, which describes a navigation stack and a ViewBuilder closure that we use to build a view according to the navigation state.
To learn more about @ViewBuilder in SwiftUI , take a look at my “The power of @ViewBuilder in SwiftUI” post.
Appearance API
SwiftUI provides us styling options by introducing a bunch of protocols. For example, ButtonStyle , ToggleStyle , etc. We create a struct that conforms to the ButtonStyle protocol. After that, we can put it into the environment, and all views inside the environment gain particular styling. I appreciate the way styling works in SwiftUI right now, but we need to expand it to support more views like Form and NavigationView .
To learn more about styling in SwiftUI , take a look at my “Composable styling in SwiftUI” post.
Missing views
SwiftUI provides us a set of very basic views that we can use to build our apps. There are a lot of views that we don’t have in SwiftUI . I hope to see a bunch of new views coming in the next weeks. For example, SearchBar , TextView , RefreshControl , etc.
This week, I share my vision and expectations with you about the future of the SwiftUI framework that we hopefully will see later this month. I hope you enjoy the post. Feel free to follow me on Twitter and ask your questions related to this post. Thanks for reading, and see you next week!
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《SwiftUI wishlist for WWDC20》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
Flash ActionScript 3.0 动画高级教程
Keith Peters / 苏金国、荆涛 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2010-1 / 65.00元
《Flash ActionScript 3.0 动画高级教程》是介绍Flash 10 ActionScript动画高级技术的经典之作,是作者在这一领域中多年实践经验的结晶。书中不仅涵盖了3D、最新绘图API以及Pixel Bender等Flash 10 ActionScript特性,深入介绍了碰撞检测、转向、寻路等Flash游戏开发技术,还通过实例具体讲解了等角投影和数值积分的基本理论和应用。 ......一起来看看 《Flash ActionScript 3.0 动画高级教程》 这本书的介绍吧!