内容简介:An efficient WheelView based on RecyclerView, which is easy to use, and it can customized by yourself.First of all, this lib is based on androidx,If you want to use this library, you should add those to your module's gradle
An efficient WheelView based on RecyclerView, which is easy to use, and it can customized by yourself.
Getting Started
First of all, this lib is based on androidx, if your library do not migrate to androidx, there might be some problems if you used this.
If you want to use this library, you should add those to your module's gradle
implementation 'cn.wongzhenyu:recyclerwheelview:0.0.3' implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:XXX'
Because recyclerwheelview have dependency of recyclerview(library of androidx), and to avoid the conflicts of library version, I used compileonley to import recyclerview library, so you should add recyclerview by yourself.
there are two examples' results about recyclerwheelview in this project, if you used recyclerwheelview, you can make this effect easily.
String wheel view
Custom wheel view
Because of the pressure of work, I do not have enough time to write document about how to use this library, you can see it in app module of this project, thinks for reading.
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Viktor Mayer-Schnberger / 李晓霞、周涛 / 中信出版集团股份有限公司 / 2018-11-1 / CNY 58.00
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