Dismantling Neural Networks to Understand the Inner Workings with Math and Pytorch

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Dismantling Neural Networks to Understand the Inner Workings with Math and Pytorch

Simplified math with examples and code to shed light inside black boxes

Jun 5 ·14min read

Dismantling Neural Networks to Understand the Inner Workings with Math and Pytorch

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash


As a child, you might have dismantled a toy in a moment of frenetic curiosity. You were drawn perhaps towards the source of the sound it made. Or perhaps it was a tempting colorful light from a diode that called you forth, moved your hands into cracking the plastic open.

Sometimes you may have felt deceived that the inside was nowhere close to what the shiny outside led you to imagine. I hope you have been lucky enough to open the right toys. Those filled with enough intricacies to make breaking them open worthwhile. Maybe you found a futuristic looking DC-motor. Or maybe a curious looking speaker with a strong magnet on its back that you tried on your fridge. I am sure it felt just right when you discovered what made your controller vibrate.

We are going to do exactly the same. We are dismantling a neural network with math and with Pytorch. It will be worthwhile, and our toy won’t even break. Maybe you feel discouraged. That’s understandable. There are so many different and complex parts in a neural network. It is overwhelming. It is the rite of passage to a wiser state.

So to help ourselves we will need a reference, some kind of Polaris to ensure we are on the right course. The pre-built functionalities of Pytorch will be our Polaris. They will tell us the output we must get. And it will fall upon us to find the logic that will lead us to the correct output. If differentiations sound like forgotten strangers that you once might have been acquainted with, fret not! We will make introductions again and it will all be mighty jovial.

I hope you will enjoy.


The value of a neuron depends on its inputs, weights, and bias. To compute this value for all neurons in a layer, we calculate the dot product of the matrix of inputs with the matrix of weights, and we add the bias vector. We represent this concisely when we write:

The values of all neurons in one layer.

Conciseness in mathematical equations however, is achieved with abstraction of the inner workings. The price we pay for conciseness is making it harder to understand and mentally visualize the steps involved. And to be able to code and debug such intricate structures as Neural Networks we need both deep understanding and clear mental visualization. To that end, we favor verbosity:

The value of one neuron with three inputs, three weights, and a bias.

Now the equation is grounded with constraints imposed by a specific case: one neuron, three inputs, three weights, and a bias. We have moved away from abstraction to something more concrete, something we can easily implement:

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