Airshare - Transfer files over WiFi back and forth all devices from your terminal

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Source Code:

Airshare - Transfer files over WiFi back and forth all devices from your terminal Airshare

Cross-platform content sharing in a local network.

Airshare is a Python-based CLI tool and module that lets you transfer data between two machines in a local network, P2P, using Multicast-DNS. It also opens an HTTP gateway for other non-CLI external interfaces. It works completely offline! Built with aiohttp and zeroconf. Checkout the demo .


  • Blazing fast content transfer within a local network.

  • Lets you transfer plain text, send from or receive into your clipboard.

  • Supports transfer of multiple files, directories and large files - content is sent chunk by chunk and never read into memory entirely.

  • Lets you send files whose paths have been copied into the clipboard (more details in the docs).

  • Cross-platform, works on Linux, Windows and Mac (CLI and Web Interface), and also supports mobile (Web Interface).

  • Uses Multicast-DNS service registration and discovery - so you can access content with human-readable code words.

  • Can be used as a module in other Python programs.

Airshare - Transfer files over WiFi back and forth all devices from your terminal

Important Links

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Bug Reports:




Use the package manager pip to install Airshare.

$ pip install Airshare

If you have a non-Apple device, consider installing Avahi (for Linux) or Bonjour (for Windows) if you'd like to use Link-local Name Resolution (for the .local addresses).


Send and receive files and directories.

To send using the CLI,

$ airshare noobmaster requirements.txt

To receive using the CLI,

$ airshare noobmaster

or visit http://noobmaster.local in the browser to download.

You can also import airshare in any Python program. Visit the documentation for detailed usage instructions.

Known Issues

  • Link-local Name Resolution (for the .local addresses) on non-Apple devices requires Avahi (on Linux) or Bonjour (on Windows). Chances are you already have them, but if you don't, do check the web on how to install them.

  • Link-local Name Resolution does not work on Android phones. This is because Android browsers do not have inbuilt Multicast-DNS service discovery. For this reason, we included QR Code support, for you to visit the URLs easily.

  • Windows users with Python < 3.8, use Ctrl + Break to quit, as Ctrl + C will not work. This is a known issue with asyncio , which has been fixed in Python 3.8. If you do not have a Break key, try using Ctrl + Fn + B , or check the web for other alternatives (depending on your PC).


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


MIT - Copyright (c) 2020 Kandavel A , Mohanasundar M , Nanda H Krishna


The Airshare logo was designed by Siddique .

The Airshare GIF was created by Anam Saatvik .

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Airshare - Transfer files over WiFi back and forth all devices from your terminal》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






UCDChina / 人民邮电出版社 / 2009 / 25.00元

本书收集了UCDChina上线以来推出的13个话题,内容涵盖了产品设计的全部流程,按顺序集结到第一到第十三章中,讨论了如何研究用户、如何将用户需求应用到产品设计中、如何传达和协作。在第十四章,几位设计师分享了生活中的UE故事。第十五章,列举了一些实例和实践者的观点。本书适合有一定工作经验,从事产品设计、产品策划、交互设计、视觉设计、用户研究、前端开发、网站运营,以及所有与互联网有关的从业人员阅读。一起来看看 《UCD火花集》 这本书的介绍吧!



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