Tell HN: The Police Data Accessibility Project

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:It is my belief that perhaps the single most effective way we can make concrete progress toward this goal is in the realm of data accessibility. Specifically the accessibility of granular, local, county level police citation data.This however, is a big und

Police Data Accessibility Project

Rough Mission Statement (will evolve):

It is my belief that perhaps the single most effective way we can make concrete progress toward this goal is in the realm of data accessibility. Specifically the accessibility of granular, local, county level police citation data.

This however, is a big undertaking, as most counties have clumsy/antiquated systems for searching for and extracting this type of data, and almost none have fully exposed datasets.

Ultimately, the future goal for this initiative is to:

Request (via FOIA) or Scrape, and then clean and aggregate county level police citation data for as many counties as possible, and to most importantly make this data open and free to the public. I believe doing so will enable citizen data scientists and data journalists to then make progress on analysis, whereby they will serve the public by looking for and finding trends and anomalies in police behavior, leading to more accountability for both individual police officers and their larger police organizations.

Initial Goals:


  1. Many counties outsource their court records data to third party vendors such as Tyler Technologies. Finding and building scrapers for portals that are the same for many counties seems like a great early goal. A list of counties court record systems and their vendors must be made. This will be done collaboratively in this Google Sheet . For more details see .

  2. Finding and writing scrapers for other large counties. Prioritize counties with easier to scrape systems first.

For guidelines to contributing to scraping, please see

Freedom of Information Act Requests:

  1. Researching a data request template with all the data we want to ask for in FOIA requests

  2. Submitting FOIA requests and monitoring responses

I will be adding tasks to the projects section of this repo, so we can all keep track of them there.

If you are looking to start building a scraper, the csv file above has the URLS of all most US counties' public records portals.

The fields we would like to make sure to collect at a minimum from any scrape are:

_id _state _county CaseNum FirstName MiddleName LastName Suffix DOB Race Sex ArrestDate FilingDate OffenseDate DivisionName CaseStatus DefenseAttorney PublicDefender Judge ChargeCount ChargeStatute ChargeDescription ChargeDisposition ChargeDispositionDate ChargeOffenseDate ChargeCitationNum ChargePlea ChargePleaDate ArrestingOfficer ArrestingOfficerBadgeNumber

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






[美] Allen B. Downey / 金迎 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2015-9 / 49.00元

现实工作中,人们常常需要用数据说话。可是,数据自己不会说话,需要人对它进行分析和挖掘才能找到有价值的信息。概率统计是数据分析的通用语言,是大数据时代预测未来的根基。如果你有编程背景,就能以概率和统计学为工具,将数据转化为有用的信息和知识,让数据说话。本书介绍了如何借助计算而非数学方法,使用Python语言对数据进行统计分析。 通过书中有趣的案例,你可以学到探索性数据分析的整个过程,从数据收集......一起来看看 《统计思维》 这本书的介绍吧!

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