omelette.ts - cli autocompletion framework for Deno

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:To see a full documentation, please visitOmelette now supports and is useful with

Omelette.ts for Deno

To see a full documentation, please visit

Using Omelette with Deno

Omelette now supports and is useful with Deno . You can make your Deno based CLI tools autocomplete powered using Omelette. It's fully featured but setupShellInitFile and cleanupShellInitFile methods does not exist for now (to prevent requirement of allow-env , allow-read and allow-write permissions).

omelette.ts - cli autocompletion framework for Deno

Instructions to use Omelette in your Deno projects:

Assume we have a hello.js :

import omelette from "";

const complete = omelette("hello <action>");

complete.on("action", function ({ reply }) {
  reply(["world", "mars", "jupiter"]);


// your CLI program

Install your program using deno install :

deno install hello.js
hello --completion-fish | source # i'm using fish

Instructions for your README files:

(You should add these instructions to your project's README, don't forget to replace hello string with your own executable name)

In zsh , you should write these:

echo '. <(hello --completion)' >> ~/.zshrc

In bash:

hello --completion >> ~/.config/
echo 'source ~/.config/' >> ~/.bash_profile

In fish:

echo 'hello --completion-fish | source' >> ~/.config/fish/

That's all! Now you have autocompletion feature!

hello <tab><tab>

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