VS Code extension that marks deprecated identifiers

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:In the command palette (CMD + SHIFT + P) select “Install Extension” and choose "VS Code Deprecated".We detect when you open a file, when you change something in it, when you switch editors. So there is no command to run, just install the extension and work

VS Code Deprecated :rotating_light:

Leverage the power of JSDocs. Show deprecated usages in the editor, as you type.

VS Code extension that marks deprecated identifiers


In the command palette (CMD + SHIFT + P) select “Install Extension” and choose "VS Code Deprecated".


We detect when you open a file, when you change something in it, when you switch editors. So there is no command to run, just install the extension and work as you normally would. We will mark any deprecated usages in the editor.

VS Code extension that marks deprecated identifiers

Behind the scenes

We plug into VSCode and use the hover functionality to find deprecated identifiers. So if your project is configured properly and the VS Code hover shows you that tiny deprecated warning, we will show it, too.

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刘波 / 2010-8 / 28.00元

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