内容简介:In the command palette (CMD + SHIFT + P) select “Install Extension” and choose "VS Code Deprecated".We detect when you open a file, when you change something in it, when you switch editors. So there is no command to run, just install the extension and work
VS Code Deprecated
Leverage the power of JSDocs. Show deprecated usages in the editor, as you type.
In the command palette (CMD + SHIFT + P) select “Install Extension” and choose "VS Code Deprecated".
We detect when you open a file, when you change something in it, when you switch editors. So there is no command to run, just install the extension and work as you normally would. We will mark any deprecated usages in the editor.
Behind the scenes
We plug into VSCode and use the hover functionality to find deprecated identifiers. So if your project is configured properly and the VS Code hover shows you that tiny deprecated warning, we will show it, too.
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
彼得•蒂尔、里德•霍夫曼、本•霍洛维茨、埃里克•杰克逊等 / 高玉芳、路蒙佳、杨晓红、徐彬等 / 中信出版社 / 2015-6-20 / 182.00
1.硅谷创投教父、PayPal创始人彼得•蒂尔、LinkedIn创始人里德•霍夫曼、创业导师本•霍洛维茨、“PayPal黑帮”初创成员埃里克•杰克逊联合作品。 2.彼得•蒂尔与埃隆•马斯克的首次交锋,PayPal从0到1改变全球金融的生死突围,商业硬汉的创业史诗,揭秘“PayPal黑帮”的创业维艰与联盟关系。 3.《人民日报》推荐创业者必读书目!“奇点系列”的作者们以及“PayPal黑......一起来看看 《奇点系列》 这本书的介绍吧!
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