Unity MMORPG Boilerplate - Multiplayer in Unity Made Easy

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:The purpose of this boilerplate is to make multiplayer in Unity a piece of cake, specifically for MMORPGs. The boilerplate consists of a launcher, a web server, a game server and a client. The idea is the user loads up the launcher, updates the client, lau

Unity MMORPG Boilerplate - Multiplayer in Unity Made Easy

Unity MMORPG Boilerplate

The purpose of this boilerplate is to make multiplayer in Unity a piece of cake, specifically for MMORPGs. The boilerplate consists of a launcher, a web server, a game server and a client. The idea is the user loads up the launcher, updates the client, launches the client, logs in to an account through the web server and then connects to the game server.

Table of Contents


*Note: Not all of these features have been implemented or fully completed.

ENet Server

  • Multi-Threaded Console Input Ouput Buffers
  • Fast Serialization / Deserialization with BinaryFormatter and BinaryReader
  • Reliable UDP Networking with ENet

Web Server

  • MySQL Database to Store User Accounts, Account Information and Purchases


  • UI Flow to Demonstrate Communication with Web Server / ENet Server


  • Handles Auto-Updating Client from GitHub Releases
  • Grabs Release Notes from GitHub Releases


This project is no where near complete, all contributions are highly appreciated and welcomed.

Please talk to me over Discord ( valk#3277 ) to learn more on how you can contribute to the project. If you don't want to wait for me to accept your friend request, you can join my discord and then you'll be able to send me messages without a friend request.


And take a look at the Roadmap to v0.2 and Roadmap to v0.3


Unity MMORPG Boilerplate - Multiplayer in Unity Made Easy

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook中文版

ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook中文版

Joey Lott、Adobe Dev Library / 陈建勋 / 电子工业 / 2007-11-01 / 78.00元

本书讨论了在Flash Player里执行的ActionScript3.0语言,采用问题—解法—讨论的形式讲解开发过程中常见问题的实际解法,例如:检测用户的 Flash Player 版本或操作系统;格式化日期和货币类型;接受用户输入及操作文字字符串;在运行时绘制各种形状;访问音频和视频;使用 Flash Remoting 进行远程过程调用;加载、发送和检索 XML 数据等。 全书涵盖客户端......一起来看看 《ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook中文版》 这本书的介绍吧!

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