Batch vs Stochastic Gradient Descent
Learn difference between Batch & Stochastic Gradient Descent and choose best descent for your model.
May 31 ·4min read
Before diving into Gradient Descent, we’ll look how a Linear Regression model deals with Cost function. Main motive to reach Global minimum is to minimize Cost function which is given by,
Here, Hypothesis represents linear equation where, theta(0) is the bias AKA intercept and theta(1) are the weight(slope) given to the feature ‘x’.
Weights and intercept are randomly initialized taking baby step to reach minimum point. An important parameter in Gradient Descent is the size of the steps, determined by the learning rate hyper-parameter. It’s important to note that if we set high value of learning rate, point will end up taking large steps and probably will not reach global minimum( having large errors). On the other hand, if we take small value of learning rate, purple point will take large amount of time to reach global minimum. Therefore, Optimal learning rate should be taken.
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罗丁力、张三 / 电子工业出版社 / 2017-4 / 65
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