内容简介:Like the name says, it’s basically a snapshot of output, you want to compare over time and test if the code is up to the expectations. For example, let’s say you have written a React component which renders some UI. Over the time, different people work on
Jest is a JavaScript testing framework built by Facebook . It has the test runner, test evaluator and assertions utilities built in. It’s an amazing framework to use for testing your applications, may it be written in React , Angular or Vue . In this article, I will explain what is Snapshot feature of Jest and show an interesting use case which can make your testing simpler and faster.
What is Snapshot?
Like the name says, it’s basically a snapshot of output, you want to compare over time and test if the code is up to the expectations. For example, let’s say you have written a React component which renders some UI. Over the time, different people work on it and change the UI output of it. This is stored as a text as shown below and a simple diff comparison of the text outputs can tell if the code is giving the correct output. The main interest of this feature is to make testing easier and painless, testing the goals of your App to render certain UI and not to worry about the implementations.
Though this snapshotting is widely used for testing React components, you can use to test the any output that can be serializable , for example objects or json.
The Case
Lets say, you have a configuration file exporting different values as one below:
// config.js export const APP_NAME = 'MY_APP'; export const APP_MAIN_ROUTE = 'app/main'; export const APP_USER_ROUTE = 'app/user';
Ealier, I used to write a test, which used to import all these params and do individual assertions, or write some wrapper logic to get it working with a single assertion. But with Jest snapshot, it’s way simplified, as one below:
// config.test.js import * as constants from '<source-file-path>'; test('constants matches snapshot', () => { expect(constants).toMatchSnapshot(); });
On the first run, it will create a snapshot file, as shown below and compare against it on future runs.
// config.test.js.snap // Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`constants matches snapshot 1`] = ` Object { "APP_NAME": "MY_APP", "APP_MAIN_ROUTE": "app/main", "APP_USER_ROUTE": "app/user", } `;
If you have a very huge, nested object (probably a configuration object), you can test it via snapshotting with a single line . A lot of assertion or implementation related coding can be avoided. Make sure to give this a try and let me know your thoughts in comments.
Thanks a lot for reading through. Please let me know how you felt and if you would like to hear more on any topic, don’t forget to let me know in comments. Have a good day!
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肖 (Zed A.Shaw) / 王巍巍 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2014-11-1 / CNY 49.00
本书是一本Python入门书籍,适合对计算机了解不多,没有学过编程,但对编程感兴趣的读者学习使用。这本书以习题的方式引导读者一步一步学习编程,从简单的打印一直讲到完整项目的实现,让初学者从基础的编程技术入手,最终体验到软件开发的基本过程。 本书结构非常简单,共包括52个习题,其中26个覆盖了输入/输出、变量和函数三个主题,另外26个覆盖了一些比较高级的话题,如条件判断、循环、类和对象、代码测......一起来看看 《"笨办法"学Python》 这本书的介绍吧!