内容简介:PyBridge is a C implementation that allows to use Python code in native iOS applications. It allows to send String or JSON messages to the Python interpreter without the need for any web frameworks. Instead of using web applications, you can reuse your Pyt
PyBridge is a C implementation that allows to use Python code in native iOS applications. It allows to send String or JSON messages to the Python interpreter without the need for any web frameworks. Instead of using web applications, you can reuse your Python backend code and implement truly native iOS applications.
Shameless plug: I do contract work, check out my website at http://joaoventura.net/ or buy my apps!
This repository shows the source code of an empty Xcode Swift project with a Label. When the application starts, it starts the Python interpreter and calls a Python function that returns a greet message that is then set on the Label.
Running the project
Clone this project and open it on Xcode. All the libraries and python files are included.
Run the project and you should see a Hello Python 3.8
message in the screen. You can also check the Xcode output to see some debug things.
How it works?
I've documented all the process in the references document . It shows how to compile a Python 3 distribution, how to include the libraries, and how everything works.
It's mostly a document for myself, but you can use and learn from it!
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
於东军 / 清华大学出版社 / 2005-3 / 27.00元
本书作为Java程序的入门与应用教材,共分为3部分:第一部分讲解Java程序设计的基础知识,包括Java基本编程语言、面向对象设计思想、类、对象、接口以及异常处理。第二部分讲解Java程序设计的高级知识,包括:GUI编程、套接口编程、I/O系统、数据库访问以及多线程编程。第三部分详细分析一个实际项目的开发过程,包括系统分析及功能实现。在项目实例中综合应用第一、二部分的Java知识,能够帮助读者进一......一起来看看 《Java程序设计与应用开发》 这本书的介绍吧!