前几天面试了字节跳动,记录下面试遇到的算法题题目输入: 用户日志(time, user_id, login | logout)输出:同时在线人数的峰值,精确到秒一开始,想了一分钟左...
前几天面试了字节跳动,记录下面试遇到的算法题题目输入: 用户日志(time, user_id, login | logout)输出:同时在线人数的峰值,精确到秒一开始,想了一分钟左...
Henry Jenkins / NYU Press / 2006-08-01 / USD 30.00
"Convergence Culture" maps a new territory: where old and new media intersect, where grassroots and corporate media collide, where the power of the media producer, and the power of the consumer intera......一起来看看 《Convergence Culture》 这本书的介绍吧!