内容简介:ClojureScript optimized for modern React development.Install the latest verion from clojars in your project.A version of "react" and "react-refresh" should be installed automatically; install the corresponding version of your favorite renderer (e.g. "react
ClojureScript optimized for modern React development.
(ns my-app.core (:require [helix.core :refer [defnc $]] [helix.hooks :as hooks] [helix.dom :as d] ["react-dom" :as rdom])) ;; define components using the `defnc` macro (defnc greeting "A component which greets a user." [{:keys [name]}] ;; use helix.dom to create DOM elements (d/div "Hello, " (d/strong name) "!")) (defnc app [] (let [[state set-state] (hooks/use-state {:name "Helix User"})] (d/div (d/h1 "Welcome!") ;; create elements out of components ($ greeting {:name (:name state)}) (d/input {:value (:name state) :on-change #(set-state assoc :name (.. % -target -value))})))) ;; start your app with your favorite React renderer (rdom/render ($ app) (js/document.getElementById "app"))
Install the latest verion from clojars in your project.
A version of "react" and "react-refresh" should be installed automatically; install the corresponding version of your favorite renderer (e.g. "react-dom").
shadow-cljs and npm
During development, you'll want to emit ES6 code until polyfills are handled differently . You can do this by passing in a dev compiler configuration:
;; shadow-cljs.edn {,,, :builds {:app {,,, :dev {:compiler-options {:output-feature-set :es6}}}}}
Release builds should be able to emit all the way back to ES3.
shadow-cljs and react-native
See React Native .
lein-cljsbuild / figwheel-main / raw CLJS
Use CLJSJS or package react yourself using webpack, ensuring it is provided as the name "react"
View formatted docs at
- Why Helix
- Creating Components
- Creating elements
- Hooks
- Experiments
- Pro-tips
- Frequently Asked Questions
- React Native
Other resources:
Copyright © 2020 Will Acton
Distributed under the EPL 2.0
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陶秋丰 / 云南科技 / 2009-12 / 29.80元
《100个可操作的网络赚钱方法》专为有志于网上创业的读者量身打造,作者是“实战型”的网赚高手,在17岁时就通过互联网创业“年人10万”,如今结合自身的亲身实战经验,与大家分享可以实实在在盈利的100个网络赚钱方法和技巧。内容包括:网站创建与推广、竞价广告、联盟赚钱、网站SEO优化、域名投资、广告投放盈利、威客、博客、淘客赚钱等多个方面。 本手册中作者结合自身的网络赚钱经历,通过具体的、可操作......一起来看看 《100个可操作的网络赚钱方法》 这本书的介绍吧!