内容简介:Opinionated microservice kit to help developers to build microservices with go.A pace/bricks microservice is:
PACE Bricks
Opinionated microservice kit to help developers to build microservices with go.
A pace/bricks microservice is:
- built as a docker container
- deployed into a kubernetes cluster
- support for the termination log
- configured using environment variables ( TWELVE-FACTOR APP )
- monitored using prometheus
- reports errors to sentry
- samples traces to jaeger
- logs to stdout using json deployed kubernetes otherwise human readable
- offers health endpoints
- connects to backend services
- postgres (logging, metrics, tracing, health)
- redis (logging, metrics, tracing, health)
- s3 (logging, metrics, tracing, health)
- http (logging, metrics, tracing, retries)
- provides two commands control and daemon
- provides a RESTful API
- code is generated from the OpenAPIv3 spec
- authenticated via OAuth2
- encoded using json:api
- that supports logging , tracing and metrics
go get github.com/pace/bricks/cmd/pb
pb -h
Read our contributors guide .
- A working go installation
- A working git installation
- Use
make test
to test without dependencies - Use
docker-compose run testserver make integration
to test with dependencies - Use
make testserver
to start a testserver that will be started with dependencies. In order to update the server one need todocker-compose restart testserver
Environment variables for the pb command
Variable | Description |
The path to the editor that should be used for opening a project. Defaults to $EDITOR . |
The path where new project should be created. Defaults to $HOME/PACE . |
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
李运华 编著 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-12 / 69
《面向对象葵花宝典:思想、技巧与实践》系统地讲述了面向对象技术的相关内容,包括面向对象的基本概念、面向对象开发的流程、面向对象的各种技巧,以及如何应用面向对象思想进行架构设计。在讲述相关知识或技术的时候,除了从“是什么”这个角度进行介绍外,更加着重于从“为什么”和“如何用”这两个角度进行剖析,力争让读者做到“知其然,并知其所以然”,从而达到在实践中既能正确又能优秀地应用面向对象的相关技术和技巧。 ......一起来看看 《面向对象葵花宝典:思想、技巧与实践》 这本书的介绍吧!