Gse v0.50.0 发布, Go 高性能分词,大幅度更新

栏目: 软件资讯 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Go 语言高效分词,支持英文、中文、日文等。 该版本主要增加:AlphaNum 拉丁字母和数字分词设置,RemoveToken,gse.New(),分词 ToLower 设置;Tirm 清除标点符号和空格,TextFreq 设置默认加载 frenquency,cut...

Go 语言高效分词,支持英文、中文、日文等。

该版本主要增加:AlphaNum 拉丁字母和数字分词设置,RemoveToken,gse.New(),分词 ToLower 设置;Tirm 清除标点符号和空格,TextFreq 设置默认加载 frenquency,cutDAGNoHMM 和最短路径加动态规划配置,支持 ", " 分割字典文件等功能。

增加更多示例、测试和 benchmark 代码, 修复 bug。


Nisqually Glacier


add alphanum split words support
use variable to control default frequency

add gse.New() function and update test code, 
add New() function AlphaNum set support

add ToLower set support and update code

add remove token support and test code, 
add addToken and removeToken benchmark test,
update benchmark, example.go and godoc
add more test code

add English example code,
Add English token test code and Update

update segment test code
update segment test code, add more test and remove unless code

add Trim punct and space function support, 
add Trim test code, 
add Trim benchmark test code, 
add Trim example code

update Trim function not exclude "include other char string"

update DictPaths() allow use ", " to separated dictionary files

add cutDAGNoHMM support and test code, 
add Cut() cutDAGNoHMM option support, 
add test and benchmark code

add python and node binding



update gse code
export splitTextToWords function
export lookupTokens function

update example code
update data re base code

add Find token example code
update English example code

update example code use mixed text
update dictionary example code

update code fixed example print
update hmm test and example code

update gse server code
update server code add hmm support,
update jquery.min.js to v3.5.0
update server.go listen log print

update code and
Update, add binding...

update godoc
update load model godoc
update godoc and var name

update go mod pkg and version
remove unless go.sum hash
update go mod and remove vendor

add github workflow support
update go.yml
update and fmt circle.yml, travis.yml
add CI go1.13x support remove go1.11.x

rename utils.go to seg_utils.go

add more benchmark support
add hmm benchmark test support
add segmenter benchmark test code

add idf and pos files
update issue and pull request template

update segment test code use expect
update alpha num test code

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




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