Issue #415

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Articles & Tutorials

Issue #415 The Ultimate Guide to Android Bluetooth Low Energy


Chee Yi Ong goes over the basics of BLE that Android developers need to know, as well as walk through real-world examples of common BLE operations like scanning, connecting, reading, writing and setting up indications or notifications.

Understanding RxJava Create and fromCallable Operator


Amit Shekhar compares the RxJava Create and fromCallable operators to help understand when to use each on your use-case.

SavedStateHandle to the Rescue


Patrick Dattilio describes how to inject persistence into your AndroidX ViewModels.


Issue #415 Build and operate Android apps faster with Bitrise


From Android-specific solutions to full cross-platform support, we aim to streamline your development process through one, easy-to-use service. Whether you work in Kotlin, React Native, or any other framework, Bitrise is the way to go. Sign up for a free trial today!

Android Unidirectional Data Flow — Kotlin Flow vs. RxJava


Adam Hurwitz compares and contrasts implementing unidirectional data flow in RxJava vs Kotlin Coroutines' Flow.

Easy Android Scopes


Ryan Harter takes a look at some of the existing approaches that allow us to create presenters that will live in the context of our views, and then shares an alternate approach that he's used to ensure presenters are properly bound to their view’s lifecycle.

View Binding: The Definitive way to access views on Android


Antonio Leiva describes View Binding, a new view access mechanism that was released in conjunction with Android Studio version 3.6 which has several advantages that make it the most interesting option today.

:ocean: StateFlow, End of LiveData?


In this article, Shreyas Patil shows how to use Kotlin Coroutine StateFlow in Android in place of LiveData.

Leveraging AssistedInjection to inject ViewModels


Sometimes when injecting objects using Dagger, things can get tricky if you need a runtime argument to construct your class. Gabor Varadi shows a technique for making this work.

Material Shape: Living On The Edge


Mark Allison shows how we can change the behavior of how Material 2.0 edges are rendered and this provides us with even more possibilities for customizing our shapes. Since we cannot control the edge rendering from XML, we have to start doing things in Kotlin.

Reification of the Erased


Generics can be limiting when you need to access type info in a generic function, and the compiler tells you the info doesn’t exist! Murat Yener describes how reification helps with this when writing Kotlin code.

The Result Monad


In this post Adam Bennett explains why we need a Result class, how it works, what problems it solves, and shows some examples of how we use it at the end.


Issue #415 Place a sponsored post & reach over 66k Android devs (


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Libraries & Code

Issue #415 Decorator


Decorator is an Android library that helps creating composable margins and dividers in RecyclerViews



Easy and consistent setup of static analysis tools for Android and Java projects



Transform into a different view or activity using morphing animations. Using Transformation motions of new material version



Playground project for the Jetpack Compose APIs


Issue #415 Say hello to the helpful Firebase Emulator


Google introduces the Emulator UI to the Firebase community, a local web app that allows you to manage local emulators that make up the Firebase Local Emulator Suite.

Videos & Podcasts

Issue #415 Firebase Hosting, an origin story


In this episode David East tells you the story of how Firebase Hosting got started. You'll hear from the first ever engineer on the product (Chris Raynor), the current technical lead (Michael Bleigh), and even another engineer (Dahlia Salem) will teach you how to run server code on Firebase Hosting.

Week 6 - Navigation Architecture Component


This week's lecture by Nate Ebel will teach you how to implement Fragment navigation in your app using the Navigation Architecture Component from Android Jetpack.

AndroidX. Jetpack. AndroidX. Jetpack. Whatever.


In this episode, Romain, Chet and Tor talked with Nick Anthony and Alan Viverette from the AndroidX team about... AndroidX. And Jetpack. An

Remote work and Mobile DevOps with Joe Birch


This episode focuses on different aspects of remote work, Mobile DevOps, and how to remain productive from home, featuring special guest: Joe Birch.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Issue #415》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




iOS应用逆向工程 第2版

iOS应用逆向工程 第2版

沙梓社、吴航 / 机械工业出版社 / 2015-4-1 / 79.00

你是否曾因应用上线的第一天即遭破解而无奈苦恼,想要加以防范,却又束手无策? 你是否曾为某一应用深深折服,想要借鉴学习,却又无从下手? 你是否已不满足于public API,想要进军Cydia开发,却又求学无门? 你是否已产生“不识Apple真面目,只缘身在App Store中”的危机感,想要通过阅读来一窥这冰山一角外的整个北极,却又找不到合适的书? 你是否已经因无法跨越开发......一起来看看 《iOS应用逆向工程 第2版》 这本书的介绍吧!

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