FizzBuzz purely in Rust's trait system

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:We all know Rust's trait system is Turing complete, so tell me, why aren't we exploiting this??? Who needsHonestly, I was too preoccupied with the fact that I could to stop to think whether I actually should.Believe it or not,


We all know Rust's trait system is Turing complete, so tell me, why aren't we exploiting this??? Who needs const-fn when we've got a crate like this?!

Honestly, I was too preoccupied with the fact that I could to stop to think whether I actually should.

Believe it or not, I even wrote docs for this .


Here's an eminently readable example where we play FizzBuzz at compile-time!

trait FizzBuzzType {
    fn show() -> String; // Don't worry about this -- it's just so we can print the result

struct Fizz;

impl FizzBuzzType for Fizz {
    fn show() -> String {

struct Buzz;

impl FizzBuzzType for Buzz {
    fn show() -> String {

struct FizzBuzz;

impl FizzBuzzType for FizzBuzz {
    fn show() -> String {

impl<T: Nat> FizzBuzzType for T
    T: Eval,
    <T as Eval>::Output: Display,
    fn show() -> String {
        format!("{}", T::eval())

trait FizzBuzzEval: Nat {
    type Result: FizzBuzzType;

impl<T: Nat,
    Mod3: Nat,
    Mod5: Nat,
    ShouldFizz: Bool,
    ShouldBuzz: Bool,
    ShouldFizzBuzz: Bool,
    DidBuzz: FizzBuzzType,
    DidFizz: FizzBuzzType,
    DidFizzBuzz: FizzBuzzType> FizzBuzzEval for T
    T: Mod<Three, Result = Mod3> + Mod<Five, Result = Mod5>,
    Mod3: Equals<Zero, Result = ShouldFizz>,
    Mod5: Equals<Zero, Result = ShouldBuzz>,
    ShouldFizz: AndAlso<ShouldBuzz, Result = ShouldFizzBuzz>,
    (Fizz, T): If<ShouldFizz, Result = DidFizz>,
    (Buzz, DidFizz): If<ShouldBuzz, Result = DidBuzz>,
    (FizzBuzz, DidBuzz): If<ShouldFizzBuzz, Result = DidFizzBuzz>,
    type Result = DidFizzBuzz;

assert_eq!(<One as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "1");
assert_eq!(<Two as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "2");
assert_eq!(<Three as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "Fizz");
assert_eq!(<Four as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "4");
assert_eq!(<Five as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "Buzz");
assert_eq!(<Six as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "Fizz");
assert_eq!(<Seven as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "7");
assert_eq!(<Eight as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "8");
assert_eq!(<Nine as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "Fizz");
assert_eq!(<Ten as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "Buzz");

type Fifteen = <Three as Times<Five>>::Result;
assert_eq!(<Fifteen as FizzBuzzEval>::Result::show(), "FizzBuzz"); // !!!


Please, for the love of God, don't use this crate. If you must contribute, open a PR.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《FizzBuzz purely in Rust's trait system》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






Christopher Schmitt、Kyle Simpson / 李强 / 中国电力出版社 / 2013-7 / 48.00元

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