Introducing GoboLinux 017

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:GoboLinux was created out of a desire to try new approaches in the Linux distribution design space: theGoboLinux 017 continues this journey. One of the principles of software freedom is the ability to modify and customize. Software isn't truly free if you

An exercise in software design freedom

GoboLinux was created out of a desire to try new approaches in the Linux distribution design space: the innovative filesystem organization allows us to use a radically different approach in package management — effectively doing away with the package manager.

GoboLinux 017 continues this journey. One of the principles of software freedom is the ability to modify and customize. Software isn't truly free if you need to rely on third-parties to integrate it for you. As Linux distributions get more and more complicated, GoboLinux asks this question: can a Linux system still be built from scratch by a small team — and most importantly, customized in non-trivial ways — and remain understandable by a single person?

The GoboLinux structure allows you to see how every building block of a Linux system is composed, and installs every package in a way for which they were never originally designed. The longevity of the GoboLinux project, 18 years in the making, puts the promise of free and open source software to the test, and continues to deliver.

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