Dstask, a Git-powered single EXE taskwarrior alternative

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:A personal task tracker designed to help you focus. It is similar toDstask is currently in beta -- the interface, data format and commands may change before version 1.0. That said, it's unlikely that there will be a breaking change as things are nearly fin


A personal task tracker designed to help you focus. It is similar to taskwarrior but uses git to synchronise instead of a proprietary protocol.

Dstask is currently in beta -- the interface, data format and commands may change before version 1.0. That said, it's unlikely that there will be a breaking change as things are nearly finalised.

It's mature enough for daily use. I use dstask dozens of times a day, synchronised across 4 computers.


  • Powerful context system (automatically applies filter/tags to queries and new tasks)
  • Git powered sync /undo/resolve (passwordstore.org style) which means no need to set up a sync server, and sync between devices is easy!
  • Task listing won't break with long task text ( unlike taskwarrior, currently )
  • open command -- open URLs found in specified task in the browser
  • note command -- edit a full markdown note for each task. Checklists are useful here.
  • zsh/bash completion for speed
  • A single statically-linked binary


  • Collaboration. This is a personal task tracker. Use another system for projects that involve multiple people. Note that it can still be beneficial to use dstask to track what you are working on in the context of a multi-person project tracked elsewhere.


  • Git
  • A 256-color capable terminal


Dstask, a Git-powered single EXE taskwarrior alternative Next command (default when no command is specified)

Dstask, a Git-powered single EXE taskwarrior alternative Show-resolved command to review completed tasks by week. Useful for meetings.

Dstask, a Git-powered single EXE taskwarrior alternative Editing a task with $EDITOR (which happens to be vim)

Dstask, a Git-powered single EXE taskwarrior alternative Adding a task

Dstask, a Git-powered single EXE taskwarrior alternative Sync command (which uses git)


  1. Copy the executable (from the releases page ) to somewhere in your path, named dstask and mark it executable. /usr/local/bin/ is suggested.
  2. Enable bash completions by copying .bash-completion.sh into your home directory and sourcing it from your .bashrc . There's also a zsh completion script.
  3. Set up an alias in your .bashrc : alias task=dstask or alias t=dstask to make task management slightly faster.
  4. Create or clone a ~/.dstask git repository for the data, if you haven't already: mkdir ~/.dstask && git -C ~/.dstask init .

Moving from Taskwarrior

Before installing dstask, you may want to export your taskwarrior database:

task export > taskwarrior.json

After un-installing taskwarrior and installing dstask, to import the tasks to dstask:

dstask import-tw < taskwarrior.json

Commands and syntax are deliberately very similar to taskwarrior. Here are the exceptions:

  • The command is (nearly) always the first argument. Eg, task eat some add bananas won't work, but task add eat some bananas will. If there's an ID, it can proceed the command but doesn't have to.
  • Priorities are added by the keywords P0 P1 P2 P3 . Lower number is more urgent. Default is P2 . For example task add eat some bananas P1 . The keyword can be anywhere after the command.
  • Action is always the first argument. Eg, task eat some add bananas won't work, but task add eat some bananas will.
  • Contexts are defined on-the-fly, and are added to all new tasks if set. Use -- to ignore current context in any command.

Future of dstask

There are a few things missing at the moment. That said I use dstask day to day and trust it with my work.

  • Subtask/checklist implementation (github check list style)
  • Recurring tasks

Project management features:

  • Task dependencies
  • Deferred/scheduled tasks with duration
  • Due/deadline dates
  • Maybe a gantt display

After these features are implemented, I might add CalDav integration to enable:

  • Display of recurring tasks
  • Display of appointments/meetings
  • Display of deadlines
  • Display of resolved tasks (maybe, separate calendar)
  • Possible creation of time based tasks from calendar

This could work by acting as a client to add/update/remove appointments, or a server to provide them.


Usage: dstask [id...] <cmd> [task summary/filter]

Where [task summary] is text with tags/project/priority specified. Tags are
specified with + (or - for filtering) eg: +work. The project is specified with
a project:g prefix eg: project:dstask -- no quotes. Priorities run from P3
(low), P2 (default) to P1 (high) and P0 (critical). Text can also be specified
for a substring search of description and notes.

Cmd and IDs can be swapped, multiple IDs can be specified for batch

run "dstask help <cmd>" for command specific help.

Add -- to ignore the current context. / can be used when adding tasks to note
any words after.

Available commands:

next              : Show most important tasks (priority, creation date -- truncated and default)
add               : Add a task
log               : Log a task (already resolved)
start             : Change task status to active
note              : Append to or edit note for a task
stop              : Change task status to pending
done              : Resolve a task
context           : Set global context for task list and new tasks (use "none" to set no context)
modify            : Set attributes for a task
edit              : Edit task with text editor
undo              : Undo last action with git revert
sync              : Pull then push to git repository, automatic merge commit.
open              : Open all URLs found in summary/annotations
git               : Pass a command to git in the repository. Used for push/pull.
show-projects     : List projects with completion status
show-tags         : List tags in use
show-active       : Show tasks that have been started
show-paused       : Show tasks that have been started then stopped
show-open         : Show all non-resolved tasks (without truncation)
show-resolved     : Show resolved tasks
show-unorganised  : Show untagged tasks with no projects (global context)
import-tw         : Import tasks from taskwarrior via stdin
help              : Get help on any command or show this message
version           : Show dstask version information



Symbol Name Note
P0 Critical Must be resolved immediately. May appear in all contexts in future.
P1 High
P2 Normal Default priority
P3 Low Shown at bottom and faded.


Symbol Syntax Description Example
+ +<tag> Include tag. Filter/context, or when adding task. dstask add fix server +work
- -<tag> Exclude tag. Filter/context only. dstask next -feature
-- -- Ignore context. When listing or adding tasks. dstask -- , task add -- +home do guttering
/ / When adding a task, everything after will be a note. dstask add check out ipfs / https://ipfs.io
project: project:<project> Set project. Filter/context, or when adding task. dstask context project:dstask
-project: -project:<project> Exclude project, filter/context only. dstask next -project:dstask -work


State Description
Pending Tasks that have never been started
Active Tasks that have been started
Paused Tasks that have been started but then stopped
Resolved Tasks that have been done/close/completed

Dealing with merge conflicts

Dstask is written in such a way that merge conflicts should not happen, unless a task is edited independently on 2 or more machines without synchronising. In practice this happens rarely; however when it does happen dstask will fail to commit and warn you. You'll then need to go to the underlying ~/.dstask git repository and resolve manually before committing and running dstask sync . In some rare cases the ID can conflict. This is something dstask will soon be equipped to handle automatically when the sync command runs.

A note on performance

Currently I'm using dstask to manage thousands of tasks and the interface still appears instant.

Dstask currently loads and parses every non-resolved task, each task being a single file. This may sound wasteful, but it allows git to track history natively and is actually performant thanks to modern OS disk caches and SSDs.

If it starts to slow down as my number of non-resolved tasks increases, I'll look into indexing and other optimisations such as archiving really old tasks. I don't believe that this will be necessary, as the number of open tasks is (hopefully) bounded.


As you've probably noticed, I don't use the github issues. Currently I use dstask itself to track dstask bugs in my personal dstask repository. I've left the issues system enabled to allow people to report bugs or request features. As soon as dstask is used by more than a handful of people, I'll probably import the dstask issues to github.

General tips

  • Overwhelmed by tasks? Try focussing by prioritising (set priorities) or narrowing the context. The show-tags and show-projects commands are useful for creating a context.
  • Use dstask to track things you might forget, rather than everything. SNR is important. Don't track tasks for the sake of it.
  • Spend regular time reviewing tasks. You'll probably find some you've already resolved, and many you've forgotten. The show-unorganised command is good for this.
  • Try to work through tasks from the top of the list. Dstask sorts by priority then creation date -- the most important tasks are at the top.
  • Use start / stop to mark what you're genuinely working on right now; it makes resuming work faster. Paused tasks will be slightly highlighted, so you won't lose track of them. show-paused helps if they start to pile up.
  • Keep a github-style check list in the markdown note of complex or procedural tasks
  • Failing to get started working? Start with the smallest task
  • Record only required tasks. Track ideas separately, else your task list will grow unboundedly! I keep an ideas.md for various projects for this reason.

Database format

The format on disk stores the tasks in a directory according to the task status, with each task stored under a yaml file with a UUID4 as the filename. UUIDs are used to avoid conflicts when synchronising. The yaml schema is defined by this Go struct: https://github.com/naggie/dstask/blob/c00bc97c3f0132f1d291fdbe33dfb06e02ca6ef6/task.go#L18

This way only non-resolved tasks are actually loaded for most commands, so performance is stable even with a large task history.

The ID presented to the user is simply a sequential ID. IDs are re-used when tasks are resolved; tasks store their preferred ID for consistency across different systems.

Database location

The default database location is ~/.dstask/ , but can be configured by the environment variable DSTASK_GIT_REPO .


Alternatives listed must be capable of running in the terminal.


Does dstask encrypt tasks?

Encryption is not a design goal of dstask. If you want to have your remote repository encrypted, you may consider git-remote-gcrypt or git-crypt . Note that dstask has not been tested with these tools, nor can any claims be made about the security of the tools themselves.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Dstask, a Git-powered single EXE taskwarrior alternative》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






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