内容简介:In order to run your canvas app on your ship, before
Canvas for ~Urbit
- Each stroke is stored automatically on your Urbit.
- Export Canvas Images as SVG/PNG files.
- Allows for selective removal of the Color Palette and/or Hexagonal Mesh.
- Image files are stored on your Urbit and served through %eyre.
- Option to share a canvas file in a chat room.
- Allows creation of Public/Private Canvas.
- A shared canvas becomes local once the subscription is pulled.
- Others can join a Public Canvas and work collaboratively in a cool art project.
In order to run your canvas app on your ship, before |install
is implemented natively on urbit, you will need to mount your pier to Unix with |mount %
Then you need to add the path to you urbit's pier in .urbitrc. The file is not provided by this repo so you need to create it manually:
module.exports = { URBIT_PIERS: [ "PATH/TO/YOUR/PIER", ] };
You have two options to mount the canvas into your pier:
npm run build
This builds your application and copies it into your Urbit ship's desk. In your Urbit (v.0.8.0 or higher) |commit %home
(or %your-desk-name
) to synchronize your changes.
npm run serve
Builds the application and copies it into your Urbit ship's desk, watching for changes. In your Urbit (v.0.8.0 or higher) |commit %home
(or %your-desk-name
) to synchronize your changes.
When you make changes, the urbit
directory will update with the compiled application and, if you're running npm run serve
, it will automatically copy itself to your Urbit ship when you save your.
To start the canvas agent run this commands from %dojo
> |start %canvas >= > |start %canvas-view >=
If the tile doesn't load on the Home page screen run this command:
> :launch &launch-action [%remove %canvas-view /canvastile] >= > :launch &launch-action [%add %canvas-view /canvastile '/~canvas/js/tile.js'] >=
Direct link: <YOUR_URL>/~canvas
- Hexagonal Mesh.
- Templates:
- Bitcoin Logo
- Urbit Canvas Logo
- friendly Martian
- Urbit Sigil ~norsyr-torryn!
- Templates:
- World Maps: US, Europe, Africa (more soon...)
- Freehand Canvas.
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以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Peer-to-peer canvas app for Urbit》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
Steve Souders / 刘彦博 / 电子工业出版社 / 2008年 / 35.00元
本书结合Web 2.0以来Web开发领域的最新形势和特点,介绍了网站性能问题的现状、产生的原因,以及改善或解决性能问题的原则、技术技巧和最佳实践。重点关注网页的行为特征,阐释优化Ajax、CSS、JavaScript、Flash和图片处理等要素的技术,全面涵盖浏览器端性能问题的方方面面。在《高性能网站建设指南》中,作者给出了14条具体的优化原则,每一条原则都配以范例佐证,并提供了在线支持。《高性能......一起来看看 《高性能网站建设指南》 这本书的介绍吧!