Iosevka, Version 3.0.0

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Iosevka provides a large variety of variants. Prebuilt variants are listed below. For all Monospace variants' packages, it will contain three spacing variants. You can either download the package containing all the spacing variants (recommended), or cherry
Prebuilt Packages

Iosevka provides a large variety of variants. Prebuilt variants are listed below. For all Monospace variants' packages, it will contain three spacing variants. You can either download the package containing all the spacing variants (recommended), or cherry-pick the variant with specific spacing.

Default: The default variant with ligatures. Various symbols, like arrows and geometric, are wide (2-column). Terminal (“Term”):A narrower variant focusing terminal uses. Arrows and geometric symbols will be narrow to follow typical terminal usages. Fixed: Exact monospace font without ligatures and wide glyphs. Since some environments cannot interpret Iosevka or Iosevka Term as monospace, and have difficulties with ligatures included, you can use Iosevka Fixed as an alternative.

:package: Iosevka — Monospace, Default

Iosevka Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka Slab — Monospace, Slab

Iosevka Slab Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term Slab Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed Slab Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka Curly — Monospace, Curly

Iosevka Curly Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term Curly Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed Curly Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka Curly Slab — Monospace, Curly Slab

Iosevka Curly Slab Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term Curly Slab Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed Curly Slab Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS01 — Monospace, Andale Mono Style

Iosevka SS01 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS01 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS01 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS02 — Monospace, Anonymous Pro Style

Iosevka SS02 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS02 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS02 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS03 — Monospace, Consolas Style

Iosevka SS03 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS03 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS03 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS04 — Monospace, Menlo Style

Iosevka SS04 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS04 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS04 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS05 — Monospace, Fira Mono Style

Iosevka SS05 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS05 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS05 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS06 — Monospace, Liberation Mono Style

Iosevka SS06 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS06 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS06 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS07 — Monospace, Monaco Style

Iosevka SS07 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS07 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS07 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS08 — Monospace, Pragmata Pro Style

Iosevka SS08 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS08 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS08 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS09 — Monospace, Source Code Pro Style

Iosevka SS09 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS09 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS09 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS10 — Monospace, Envy Code R Style

Iosevka SS10 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS10 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS10 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS11 — Monospace, X Windows Fixed Style

Iosevka SS11 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS11 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS11 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS12 — Monospace, Ubuntu Mono Style

Iosevka SS12 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS12 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS12 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS13 — Monospace, Lucida Style

Iosevka SS13 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS13 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS13 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka SS14 — Monospace, JetBrains Mono Style

Iosevka SS14 Spacing: Default Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Term SS14 Spacing: Terminal Ligatures: Yes Iosevka Fixed SS14 Spacing: Fixed Ligatures: No

:package: Iosevka Aile — Quasi-proportional, Sans-serif :package: Iosevka Etoile — Quasi-proportional, Slab-serif :package: Iosevka Sparkle — Quasi-proportional Hybrid, like iA Writer’s Duo.

Packaging Reorganization Since Iosevka 3.0.0-rc.1, the following packaging reorganization is introduced:

Iosevka Term → Iosevka Fixed. Iosevka TermLig → Iosevka Term. Iosevka Type → Removed. Iosevka CC → Removed.

The default Iosevka family's spacing is also updated to focus on code editing solely. Modifications since version 2.x


Fix missing mapping regression of U+1D0D (#510). Fix dot removal on various derived glyphs (#513). Fix styling features for Bulgarian, Macedonian, or Serbian (#514). Fix seam on certain Cyrillic letters with descender shape (#517). Fix compatibility ligature building (#524). Also moved metric override configuration, compatibility ligature configuration and character removal configuration into build plans.


Fix shape of combining small capitals (U+1DDB, U+1DDE, U+1DDF, U+1DE1, and U+1DE2; #500). Fix shape of H-cedilla (U+1E28 and U+1E29; #499). Fix incorrect mapping of U+228D (was U+228E) (#501). Fix shape of U+0478 and U+0479 (#503). Fix broken shape of R-stroke (#504). Fix shape of U+21B9 (#505). Change feature name fwid → WWID, hwid → NWID. Fix Iosevka Curly's default mapping of @ (#509).


Fixed phonetic ligatures' shape. Now they are connected more closely (#488). Fix shape of U+AB30, U+AB64 and U+1DE7 (#489). Fix export of U+478 and U+479. Fix shape of U+029A, U+1D08, U+1D4C (#491). Add U+AB66 and U+AB67 (#488). Fix shape of U+1DF0 (#497).


Add IEC power symbol. Add straight lambda (λ) shape, and corresponded variant selector cv94. Old shape is placed under cv95 (#467). Add U+2423 OPEN BOX (␣) (#469). Add Bashkir Ka (U+04A0, U+04A1) (#441). Fixed mapping for U+028C, U+034D. Fixed the thickness of thick arrows under full width. Fixed missing TM and SM symbol. Fixed weight of dotted numbers. Fix APL symbols' metric under Aile. Make m.shortleg more distinctive (#471). Add ligation for waved double-headed-arrow (#475). Expand the ligation set for colons to all dotty operators (#476). Added variants for 9 like a turned 6 (#363).


Add reverse-slashed zero (#438). Add U+1F8B0 and U+1F8B1 (#459). Fixed broken shape around srtail, Sswash and sswash. Fix no-cv-ss building (#460). Retrocomputing symbols are now defaults to half-width. Made variant selectors work for turned letters. Make ligset-dlig usable from custom build (#463).


Fix OTL script tag of default script (dflt -> DFLT). Though most shaping engine would not be impacted by the incorrect tag in earlier versions. Add large brackets (U+239B ... U+23AD) and extensible integral symbols (U+2320, U+2321, U+23AE). Add arrow U+21DE, U+21DF, U+2908, U+2909. Add logical symbol U+22A9, U+22AA, U+22AB, U+22AE, U+22AF. Cancelled ligation around regex look-around. Implement thousand-digit grouping under THND feature. Shape refinements of digit 1 and 6.


Fix shape of smcpGhooktop (U+029B) and uogonek.withoutBar. Make the dotless i and j CCMP feature work for more related characters and stylized forms. Fix substitution of i-ogonek and upper combining marks. Fix broken shape of tildes. Fix broken degree-C and degree-F ligature. Fix broken cup (∪) and cap (∩) symbol.


Change the glyph shape for U+1E10 “Ḑ” and U+1E11 “ḑ” to D-comma rather than D-cedilla. Add toothless G. Rename private feature tags to follow OTSpec’s vendor-specific tag guide.


The packaging and spacing is significantly changed: Iosevka → Kept, but made arrows and geometric symbols wide. Iosevka Term → Iosevka Fixed. Iosevka TermLig → Iosevka Term. Iosevka Type → Removed. Iosevka CC → Removed. Fix “Lucida” style's one character. Added weight “Book”. Fix broken shape of heavy curly V, etc. Improve double-line arrow ligations. Add diamond-shaped <> ligation, and enabled that for Haskell. Added bar-less u variants, and JetBrains Mono: Assigned cv90 to this variant. Assigned ss14 to the stylistic set.


Made the curly-bar variant via OpenType tag ss20. Alias U+2B95 to U+27A1. Add symbol U+22DA, U+22DB, U+23B0, U+23B1, etc. Finished the unicode block that supports retro computer characters. Building: The shape weight is now a continuous space.


Fix horn connection on O-horn with tone marks: Ờ ờ Ớ ớ Ở ở Ỡ ỡ Ợ ợ. Optimize the anchor position of R and ɏ (U+024F).


Fix the shape of Rrotunda (U+A75A) and rrotunda (U+A75B). Make curly k under Slab variants look more different than the straight ones. Fixed minor stroke overflow on A. Fix O-hook connection. Add more math symbols (≺, ≻, ⊏, ⊐, etc.) for Agda.


Made hooks' terminal flat, which applies to a, c, e, etc. Add variant selector for f: v-f-serifed. Add variant selectors for r: v-r-standard, v-r-serifed, v-r-top-serifed. Fix various r-related glyphs' shape. Fix shape of cursive k under Slab shape. Fix Bulgarian Tse shape. Add fwid and hwid for Powerline. Default g to single-storey.


Added three-line ligation of === and !== for JavaScript, PHP, etc.

Default ligature set selector: ligset-javascript and ligset-php. Cherry-picking configuration selector: eqeqeq and exeqeq. OpenType tags: XJS0, XPHP.

Exposed curly-vs-straight letterform selectors.

OpenType tags are from cv70 to cv83.

Fixed style linking for extended variants.


Added ligation for ~>, <~, ~~>, etc. Further refined the shapes of APL symbols. Added old-style numbers. Feature onum and lnum are enabled.


Extended width will be built automatically and integrate into existing families. Added more letter-like symbols: ⅋, ℂ, ℍ, ℙ, ℕ, ℚ, ℝ, ℤ, ℵ, ℶ. Refine the height of brackets and symbols. Renamed various variant selectors: v-m-longleg → v-m-normal v-one-hooky → v-one-nobase v-one-serifed → v-one-base v-seven-normal → v-seven-noserif v-seven-force-serifed → v-seven-serifed Added v-lig-ltgteq-flat (cv66) and v-lig-ltgteq-slanted (cv67) to change the shape of <= and >= ligation.


The letters k, x, v, A, etc. will now use straight legs by default. The “curly” families will keep the old shape. Note this is a parameter difference rather than variant. So there won’t be a cv## or ss## variant selector. Introduced a curly italic k with untagged variant v-k-italic. Introduced ss12 OpenType tag for Ubuntu-Mono style as well as a prebuilt SS12 family.

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网




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