内容简介:instant.page uses just-in-time preloading to make your site’s pages instant, by preloading shortly after the user hovers their mouse over a link on desktop, or starts touching their display on mobile.instant.page 5.0 now makes your site’s pagesinstant.page
instant.page uses just-in-time preloading to make your site’s pages instant, by preloading shortly after the user hovers their mouse over a link on desktop, or starts touching their display on mobile.
instant.page 5.0 now makes your site’s pages faster than instant on desktop.
instant.page doesn’t wait for the user to click anymore, it triggers the page load when the user starts pressing their mouse .
This makes your site’s pages the fastest in the world, faster than anything else you’ve ever seen. And it improves your conversion rate nicely.
To make your site’s pages the fastest in the world, it just takes one minute:
Put this HTML snippet just before < / body>:
<script src="//instant.page/5.0.1" type="module" integrity="sha384-0DvoZ9kNcB36fWcQApIMIGQoTzoBDYTQ85e8nmsfFOGz4RHAdUhADqJt4k3K2uLS"></script>
Copied. Now place it just before < / body> on your pages.
Because this cuts into the time instant.page gets to preload on hover, if your pages take more than 100 ms to be delivered, you might not see a speed boost. In that case consider preloading as soon as the links are visible, with a data-instant-intensity="viewport-all"
attribute that you add to the <body>.
This is then similar to quicklink, with the added benefit that page loads display on average 80 ms faster. instant.page also has the advantage to fallback to preloading on touch start if the user has data saver enabled or is on 2G, which is important if you care about emerging markets.
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Make your site’s pages the fastest in the world in one minute today:
Put this HTML snippet just before < / body>:
<script src="//instant.page/5.0.1" type="module" integrity="sha384-0DvoZ9kNcB36fWcQApIMIGQoTzoBDYTQ85e8nmsfFOGz4RHAdUhADqJt4k3K2uLS"></script>
Copied. Now place it just before < / body> on your pages.
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