内容简介:Scrape public filings of the buy + sell orders of U.S. senators and calculate their returns. This repo contains a script to scrape the electronic filings atpython3, SeleniumScrape all of the senators' filings:
Scrape public filings of the buy + sell orders of U.S. senators and calculate their returns. This repo contains a script to scrape the electronic filings at https://efdsearch.senate.gov/search/ and a Jupyter notebook to analyze the results.
python3, Selenium
Quick Start
Scrape all of the senators' filings: python3 main.py
Analyze the results by starting a Jupyter server and going through the notebook: jupyter notebook
- We only look at electronic publicly filed trades by senators. Some periodic transaction reports are PDFs, which are ignored.
- We calculate returns only using the trades observed. This is almost definitely not representative of a senator's entire portfolio. A more accurate way of thinking about the returns is a portfolio that mimics the observed buys and sells.
- If the periodic transaction report specifies a range ($1000 - $5000), then we assume the amount is the lower bound.
- We ignore trades for tickers that do not have data through the Yahoo Finance API.
- The portfolio is not allowed to go short.
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編程之美小 / 悅知文化 / 2008.06.20 / 490元
書內容分為以下幾個部分: ▓ 遊戲之樂:從遊戲和其他有趣問題出發,化繁為簡,分析總結。 ▓ 數字之魅:程式設計的過程實際上就是和數字及字元打交道的過程。這一部分收集了一些這方面的有趣探討。 ▓ 結構之法:彙集了常見的對字串、鏈表、佇列,以及樹進行操作的題目。 ▓ 數學之趣:列舉了一些不需要寫具體程式的數學問題,鍛煉讀者的抽象思考能力。 ▓ 書中絕大部分題目都提供了詳細......一起来看看 《程式之美-微軟技術面試心得》 这本书的介绍吧!