内容简介:(Project under development)A garage door remote control system, that can open/close/freeze the door through a mobile app or physical wall (up & down) pushbuttons(NO or 'normally open').Features:
(Project under development)
A garage door remote control system, that can open/close/freeze the door through a mobile app or physical wall (up & down) pushbuttons(NO or 'normally open').
- User accounts, authentication & authorization, email verification
- Role assignments & permissions
- Garage door & UI responsiveness via realtime communication & connection/signal status.
- Works locally only, via WLAN (it's a feature, not a bug!)
Fritzing schematic:
Used the following tools:
- raspberry pi zero WH (1x)
- 2 channel relay module (with optocoupler isolation & snubber circuitry, compatible with raspberry pi, the one I use for the project is "active low") (1x)
- A 5v DC power supply in order to use the relay optocoupler isolation (for safety reasons!) (1x)
- Magnetic reed switches (future implementation) (2x)
Software stack & tools:
- HTML/CSS/JS & React, Node.js, Express.js (REST API), socket.io, lowdb (JSON DB), Sendgrid API
- HTTPS (self-signed cert)
- Add laser beam switches with reflector (stops & reverses the door when interrupted, for safety reasons)
DISCLAIMER: This project is experimental. Use on your own risk. Electricity can be fatal, so consult a certified electrician.
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Raspberry Pi garage door opener》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
孙伟、楚秦 / 机械工业出版社 / 2018-12 / 69
本书是一本讲解程序员面试笔试算法的书籍。在写法上,除了讲解如何解答算法问题以外,还引入了例子辅以说明,以便读者能够更加容易地理解。 本书将程序员面试笔试过程中的各类算法类真题一网打尽。在题目的广度上,通过各种渠道,搜集了近3年来几乎所有IT企业面试笔试算法高频题目,所选择题目均为企业招聘使用题目;在题目的深度上,本书由浅入深、庖丁解牛式地分析每一个题目,并提炼归纳,同时,引入例子与源代码、时......一起来看看 《Kotlin程序员面试算法宝典》 这本书的介绍吧!