Why is JAVA still running the developers’ Universe?

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Even as more programming languages develop, Java seems to be getting a lot more widespread year on year. So, why is it still popular after 24 years?

Having celebrated its 24 nd anniversary in 2019, Java has experienced consistent development in its programming efficiency for decades. It is one of the most popular programming languages around the world and is designed to keep running on any stage consistently.

But at the same time, Java is probably one of the most “love to hate” languages out there. According to statistic research it is the 2nd most hated language among the participants (statistically insignificant, but still noteworthy), only 2 points behind PHP. Certainly not a great place to be.

There are many reasons why not to like Java, but there are also quite a few good reasons to learn it, even if you don’t like it. Actually there is an increasing number of reasons to start trying to like it again, or at least to hate it less.

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(美)Robert Sedgewick、(法)Philippe Flajolet / 冯舜玺、李学武、裴伟东、等其他 / 机械工业出版社 / 2006-4 / 38.00元

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