Announcing Docking - Static-Site Generator for Isotope ecosystem!

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Just a day before this post, Iannounced Prototope - Tailwind-inspired CSS-in-JS library to go alongside Isotope UI library. The goal of this library was and is not only to provide better integration with utility-based CSS toolkit but also to extend Isotope

Just a day before this post, Iannounced Prototope - Tailwind-inspired CSS-in-JS library to go alongside Isotope UI library. The goal of this library was and is not only to provide better integration with utility-based CSS toolkit but also to extend Isotope's ecosystem and increase it's perceived value, making lives of all potential Isotope's users out there, even easier!

And it's with similar thoughts in mind, that I introduce you toDocking :tada: - a Static-Site Generator (SSG) built upon the Isotope ecosystem.

Announcing Docking - Static-Site Generator for Isotope ecosystem!
Docking logo

Docking is meant to be a simple, go-to SSG, for anyone already familiar with Isotope and Prototope, who'd like to make a nice, Markdown-based static (or JAM-stacked if you like) website without much hassle. It prioritizes simplicity , ease-of-use, and great development-experience (just like other libraries in the Isotope ecosystem).

Docking relies on opinionated file structure with special directories for static assets, Markdown content, and Isotope components respectively. All complexities like bundling, path resolving and even TypeScript support are handled seamlessly.

So, if I managed to get you interesting in Docking and Isotope ecosystem as a whole, feel free to check out the GitHub repo (consider dropping a star :star: while you're at it) and Docking'sown documentation.

As always, if you'd like to stay up-to-date with Isotope, Docking, or any other Web Development stuff that I blog about, follow me on Twitter , Facebook , or through my newsletter ! Thanks for checking in!

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






【加】马尔科姆•格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell) / 钱清、覃爱冬 / 中信出版社 / 2014-4 / 36.00元

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