React Native for Windows and Mac

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

Bringing React Native to Windows & Mac devices

React Native enables you to build world-class native application experiences on multiple platforms using a consistent developer experience based on Javascript and React .

React Native for Windows & Mac brings React Native support for the Windows 10 SDK as well as the MacOS 10.12 SDK . With this, you can use Javascript to build native Windows apps for all devices supported by Windows 10 including PCs, tablets, 2-in-1s, Xbox, Mixed reality devices, etc., as well as the MacOS desktop and laptop ecosystems.

React Native for Windows and Mac

You can use React Native for Windows & Mac in any way you need, including things like:

  • Add Windows & Mac support to your existing React Native projects for iOS and/or Android
  • Create full Windows 10 & MacOS 10.12 apps using React Native for Windows & Mac from scratch
  • Add React Native for Windows & Mac components to your existing native Windows 10 or MacOS 10.12 projects
  • Add React Native for Windows components to your existing Win32 projects using XamlIslands

Status and Roadmap


We are actively developing React Native for Windows in alignment with react-native core as it evolves. Please see theRoadmap 2019 blog for details on this effort and investment roadmap for the upcoming months.

React Native for Windows now supports React Native version 0.61.Download the latest npm package to get the updates.


Coming soon!


Don't forget we are fully open source ! Head over to our React Native for Windows or React Native for Mac GitHubs to learn more, file issues, contribute, or ask questions.

Windows Resources

  • Get started developing a React Native for Windows app
  • Learn the basics of React Native using the React Native Tutorial
  • Learn about the core React Native Components and APIs
  • Check out theAPI Parity status doc for updates on what we support from core
  • For new Windows specific APIs check out our list here
  • Learn how to extend React Native for Windows throughNative modules andNative UI components

If you're curious about the sample apps we have published for inspiration:

  • Calculator app shows an example of a full cross-platform React Native app for iOS, Android, and Windows.
  • ToDos Feed app illustrates the usage of React Native for Windows in 3 different contexts: as a full Windows 10 app, as a component in a native Windows 10 app, and as a component in a Win32 app. This sample is a companion for a blog post about React Native for Windows, which is available on the Windows AppConsult blog .

Mac Resources

  • Coming soon!

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[美] 詹姆斯·索罗维基 / 王宝泉 / 中信出版社 / 2010-10 / 33.00元

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