The Future of Unfetter
There are lots of areas that Unfetter is looking to focus.
- Automatically read and associate threat reports with MITRE ATT&CK™ techniques
- Translate and convert analytics to work in Elasticsearch, Splunk, etc.
- Ingest and evaluate threat intelligence data using crowdsourced partner data
- Automatically ingest complex threat data from trusted sources and update mitigations
- Increase detail and granularity of threat reporting dashboards
- Increase Red and Blue Team effectiveness with the Purple Team Operations Planner
Meeting the needs of all users
Each workflow is focused on the unique needs and requirements of security professionals.
- Threat Reporters research, document, and analyze threat reports
- Net Defenders track and assess gaps in their networks
- Threat Analysts build, evaluate, and share new behavior-based analytics
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[美] David Sawyer McFarland / 俞黎敏 / 电子工业出版社 / 2010-6 / 69.80元
本书从介绍最基本的CSS知识开始,到建立用于打印网页的CSS和改进你的CSS习惯的最佳实践。将关于CSS的选择器、继承、层叠、格式化、边距、填充、边框、图片、网站导航、表格、表单、浮动布局、定位网页上的元素,以及用于打印网页的CSS等技术通过逐步地讲解与教程串联了起来。每章内容从简单到复杂,一步一步地建立起一个完整的教程示例,并在每章都会详细讨论一些技巧、最佳实践和各浏览器之间一致性的兼容问题及如......一起来看看 《CSS实战手册(第2版)》 这本书的介绍吧!