This week in KDE: Get new clipped subsurface Dolphin folder sizes

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:This week a lot of work was put into improving the reliability of the “Get new [thing]” feature integrated into many KDE apps and System Settings pages. Also, several Wayland improvements landed, including subsurface clipping. Finally, a major Dolphin feat

This week a lot of work was put into improving the reliability of the “Get new [thing]” feature integrated into many KDE apps and System Settings pages. Also, several Wayland improvements landed, including subsurface clipping. Finally, a major Dolphin feature request was implemented, allowing the display of on-disk folder sizes! There are also scads of other things, so read the full list and be happy:

New Features

Bugfixes & Performance Improvements

User Interface Improvements

How You Can Help

We recently updated our documentation for how to build and run Plasma Mobile locally on your desktop machine: . Plasma Mobile is really amazing and advancing at warp 9 speed, so please do check it out and see what all the fuss is about! More information can be found at

More generally, have a look at to discover ways to help be part of a project that really matters. Each contributor makes a huge difference in KDE; you are not a number or a cog in a machine! You don’t have to already be a programmer, either. I wasn’t when I got started. Try it, you’ll like it! We don’t bite!

Finally, consider making a tax-deductible donation to the KDE e.V. foundation .

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






谢松杰 / 电子工业出版社 / 2017-1-1 / CNY 55.00

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