xxh: use your favorite shell through ssh

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:You stuffed command shell with aliases, tools and colors but you lose it all when using ssh. The mission of xxh is to bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh without root access and system installations.If you like the idea of xxh click

You stuffed command shell with aliases, tools and colors but you lose it all when using ssh. The mission of xxh is to bring your favorite shell wherever you go through the ssh without root access and system installations.

If you like the idea of xxh click :star: on the repo and stay tuned.

xxh: use your favorite shell through ssh

Portable . Preparing portable shells and plugins occurs locally and then xxh uploads the result to host. No installations or root access on the host required. The security and careful about environment on the host are behind it. Hermetic . If you delete ~/.xxh directory from the remote host then xxh has never been on the host. By default your home is .xxh directory and you can choose the hermetic level of your xxh session . Careful . No blindfold copying config files from local to remote host. Following the privacy and repeatability reasons the better way is to fork the xxh plugin or shell example and pack your configs to it.
Be open and fork-ready . Every xxh repo could be forked, customized and reused without waiting for package management system, xxh releases or any third party. Currently supported five shells and the count could be increased by community. Do more . The xxh packages are not only about shells. Any type of tool or code could be behind entrypoint. If you want to play Super Mario on the remote host just put it as entrypoint in xxh-shell. Chameleon . Switching the shells as easy as possible and not really needed to use only one shell. Choose your current shell along with task you want to solve: xxh anyhost +s xonsh for python environment, osquery for simple querying, fish for modern features or time-tasted zsh and bash.

Installation methods

PyPi 3

pip3 install xxh-xxh


brew install python3 && pip3 install xxh-xxh

Linux portable binary

mkdir ~/xxh && cd ~/xxh
wget https://github.com/xxh/xxh-portable/raw/master/result/xxh-portable-musl-alpine-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xzf xxh-portable-musl-alpine-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz


mkdir ~/xxh && cd ~/xxh
wget -O xxh https://github.com/xxh/xxh-appimage/releases/download/continuous/xxh-release-x86_64.AppImage
chmod +x xxh && ./xxh


Currently supported OS is Linux on x86_64.

xxh-shell status plugins seamless demo
xonsh stable pipeliner , bar , autojump , [+] xxh.xsh +
zsh stable ohmyzsh , p10k , [+] xxh.zsh +
fish stable ohmyfish , fisher , userconfig , [+] todo
bash stable ohmybash , [+] xxh.bash +
osquery beta
fish-appimage alpha

Search xxh shell on Github or Bitbucket or create your shell entrypoint to use another portable shell.

Prerun plugins

Prerun plugins allow to bring any portable tools, dotfiles, aliases to xxh session before running shell.

Pinned plugins: sudo , dotfiles , docker , python , xxh , vim .


Use xxh as replace ssh to connecting to the host without changing ssh arguments:

xxh <host from ~/.ssh/config>
xxh [ssh arguments] [user@]host[:port] [xxh arguments]
xxh local [xxh arguments]

Common examples (use xxh --help to get info about arguments):

xxh anyhost                                       # connect to the host
xxh -i id_rsa -p 2222 anyhost                     # using ssh arguments: port and key
xxh anyhost +s zsh                                # set the shell
xxh anyhost +s xonsh +hhh "~"                     # set /home/user as home directory (read Q&A)
xxh anyhost +s bash +I xxh-plugin-bash-vim        # preinstall the plugin
xxh anyhost +if +q                                # install without questions in quiet mode
xxh anyhost +hh /tmp/xxh +hhr                     # upload xxh to /tmp/xxh and remove when disconnect 
source xxh.zsh anyhost +I xxh-plugin-zsh-ohmyzsh  # connect in seamless mode with ohmyzsh plugin
xxh local +s xonsh                                # build xxh environment on localhost

To reusing arguments and simplifying xxh usage to xxh anyhost there is config file .

Install xxh packages

xxh [+I xxh-package +I ...] [+L] [+RI xxh-package +RI ...] [+R xxh-package +R ...]

Different ways to set the xxh package source:

xxh +I xxh-shell-example                                         # install from https://github.com/xxh
xxh +I https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-example                  # short url for github only, for other sources use examples below or add support
xxh +I https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-example/tree/mybranch    # short url for github only, for other sources use examples below or add support
xxh +I xxh-shell-example+git+https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-example                 # long url for any git repo
xxh +I xxh-shell-example+git+https://github.com/xxh/xxh-shell-example/tree/mybranch   # github only branch support
xxh +I xxh-shell-example+path+/home/user/my-xxh-dev/xxh-shell-example                 # install from local path

Using xxh inplace without ssh connection

If you have a shell access on the host or you're in docker container and you can't ssh to it then you can download and build hermetic xxh environment inplace. The xxh local command works exectly like xxh remote_host and creates hermetic environment in ~/.xxh by default.

At this time we haven't portable build tools like git , wget , curl , tar and others which could be required by xxh packages build scripts. The xxh local expects the tools are on host.

To run xxh inplace on Linux x86_64 just copy and paste this bash commands:

XH=~/.xxh \
 && XD=https://github.com/xxh/xxh-portable/raw/master/result/xxh-portable-musl-alpine-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz \
 && mkdir -p $XH && cd $XH \
 && ( [[ -x $(command -v curl) ]] && curl -L $XD || wget -O- $XD ) | tar zxf - xxh \
 && echo 'Usage: ./xxh local [+s xonsh/zsh/fish/osquery/bash]'

Next time you're on host just run ~/.xxh/xxh local and you will be in your xxh environment.

Examples of use cases

Python with pip everywhere without installation

Way 1. Using xonsh

xxh anyhost +s xonsh

anyhost> python --version
Python 3.8.2

You'll get python-powered xonsh shell with portable python and pip on the host without any system installations on the host. Add plugins: autojump saves time, pipeliner manipulates lines and bar looks nice.

Way 2. Using portable python on any xxh shell

xxh +RI xxh-plugin-prerun-python
xxh anyhost +s zsh

anyhost> python --version
Python 3.8.2
anyhost> pip install pandas

Using xxh-plugin-prerun-python you'll get portable Python AppImage which can be used on host without python and with any xxh shell.

Using docker on host without root access

Try xxh-plugin-prerun-docker :

xxh +RI xxh-plugin-prerun-docker
xxh anyhost +if

anyhost> xxh-docker-run
anyhost> docker ps                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND
anyhost> docker run --rm hello-world | grep Hello
Hello from Docker!
anyhost> xxh-docker-stop

Bring dotfiles to xxh session

There is xxh-plugin-prerun-dotfiles which creates config files when you go to the host using xxh. You can fork it and create your cozy settings once and forever.

Seamless Oh My Zsh ( demo )

source xxh.zsh anyhost +I xxh-plugin-zsh-ohmyzsh +if +q

This command brings your current Oh My Zsh session theme to the xxh session. If you need more complex settings just fork the xxh-plugin-zsh-ohmyzsh and hack it.

Read host as a table with osquery

$ xxh anyhost +s osquery
osquery> SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='news';
| uid | gid | username | description | directory       | shell             |
| 9   | 9   | news     | news        | /var/spool/news | /usr/sbin/nologin |

All in one portable home

The xxh is very agile. You can create your own xxh-shell (shell word means it has entrypoint) which has any portable tools that you could help you on the host. Bash xxh-shell is one of this platforms that could be forked and stuffed.

Questions and answers


In the xxh-dev repo there is full dockerised environment for development, testing and contribution. The process of testing and development is orchestrated by xde tool and as easy as possible.

We have teams.If you're in team it does not oblige to do something. The main goal of teams is to create group of passionate people who could help or support in complex questions. Some people could be expert in one shell and newbie in another shell and mutual assistance is the key to xxh evolution. Ask join.


以上就是本文的全部内容,希望本文的内容对大家的学习或者工作能带来一定的帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






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