K8s Gatekeeper Policy Manager, Easily Visualize Policies and Violations

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:We're pleased to announce the first release ofYou might be familiar with theWhile this pattern is compelling, not everyone is comfortable with CLI/Yaml to inspect Rego code, Policies, and violations. This is why we developed GPM: we wanted to provide an ea

We're pleased to announce the first release of Gatekeeper Policy Manager (GPM), a simple to use, open-source, web-based tool to see the OPA Gatekeeper's policies deployed in your cluster and their status.

You might be familiar with the OPA Gatekeeper project. This project lets you define policies as code using the Rego language and enforces them in your Kubernetes cluster using Open Policy Agent. OPA Gatekeeper leverages the creation of custom Kubernetes resources definitions (CRDs), such as "Constraint Templates" or "Constraints" objects containing and enforcing Policies with the Rego language.

While this pattern is compelling, not everyone is comfortable with CLI/Yaml to inspect Rego code, Policies, and violations. This is why we developed GPM: we wanted to provide an easy (yet powerful) way to inspect all Constraints definitions for your cluster.

With GPM you'll be able to check Constraints definitions, Rego code, and related statuses - both for running and rules defined in dry-run mode.

We hope you will enjoy the Gatekeeper Policies Manager. If you have any feedback or suggestion, feel free to open an Issue or a PR.

Want to check it out? Here you can find the project on Github and a few screenshots.

K8s Gatekeeper Policy Manager, Easily Visualize Policies and Violations
Gatekeeper Policy Manager video tour

K8s Gatekeeper Policy Manager, Easily Visualize Policies and Violations

K8s Gatekeeper Policy Manager, Easily Visualize Policies and Violations

K8s Gatekeeper Policy Manager, Easily Visualize Policies and Violations

K8s Gatekeeper Policy Manager, Easily Visualize Policies and Violations

K8s Gatekeeper Policy Manager, Easily Visualize Policies and Violations


If you haven't tried OPA Gatekeeper yet, we also invite you to try-out our Fury Kubernetes OPA module and our CNCF certified and battle tested Kubernetes Fury Distribution .

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[美] Michael Bowles / 沙嬴、李鹏 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2016-12 / 69.00元

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