Handtrack.js — let the flames dancing in your hands

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:First of all, simply include the scriptOr you can install it via npm for use in a TypeScript / ES6 projectTo stream your webcam into the browser, I utilize the npm JavaScript module


# Step 1 : Include handtrack.js

First of all, simply include the script handtrack.js in the <head> section of the html file.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/handtrackjs/dist/handtrack.min.js"> </script>

Or you can install it via npm for use in a TypeScript / ES6 project

npm install --save handtrackjs

# Step 2 : Stream webcam to browser

To stream your webcam into the browser, I utilize the npm JavaScript module webcam-easy.js , which provides an easy to use module that can access webcam and take a photo. To find out more details about that, please refer to my previous blog :

# Step 3 : Load HandTrack Model

In order to perform hand tracking, we first need to load the pre-trained HandTrack model, by calling the API of handTrack.load(modelParams) . HandTrack comes with a few optional parameters of the model:

  • flipHorizontal — default value: True

flip e.g for video

  • imageScaleFactor — default value: 0.7

reduce input image size for gains in speed

  • maxNumBoxes — default value: 20

maximum number of boxes to detect

  • iouThreshold — default value: 0.5

ioU threshold for non-max suppression

  • scoreThreshold — default value: 0.99

confidence threshold for predictions

const modelParams = {
 flipHorizontal: true, 
 maxNumBoxes: 20, 
 iouThreshold: 0.5,
 scoreThreshold: 0.8
}handTrack.load(modelParams).then(mdl => { 
 model = mdl;
 console.log("model loaded");

# Step 4 : Hand detection

Next, we start to feed the webcam stream through the HandTrack model to perform hand detection, by calling the API of model.detect(video) . It takes an input image element (can be an img , video , canvas tag) and returns an array of bounding boxes with class name and confidence level.

model.detect(webcamElement).then(predictions => {
 console.log("Predictions: ", predictions);

Return of predictions would look like:

 bbox: [x, y, width, height],
 class: "hand",
 score: 0.8380282521247864
}, {
 bbox: [x, y, width, height],
 class: "hand",
 score: 0.74644153267145157

# Step 5 : Show magic fire

In the above function, we get the bounding box of the hand position, now we can use it to show the fire GIF image in your hand.


Overlay the canvas layer on top of the webcam element

<video id="webcam" autoplay playsinline width="640" height="480"></video><div id="canvas" width="640" height="480"></div>


Set the size and position of the fireElement , and append it to the canvas layer.

function showFire(predictions){
if(handCount != predictions.length){
fireElements = [];
handCount = predictions.length;

for (let i = 0; i < predictions.length; i++) {
if (fireElements.length > i) {
fireElement = fireElements[i];
fireElement = $("<div class='fire_in_hand'></div>");

var fireSizeWidth = fireElement.css("width").replace("px","");
var fireSizeHeight = fireElement.css("height").replace("px","");
var firePositionTop = hand_center_point[0]- fireSizeHeight;
var firePositionLeft = hand_center_point[1] - fireSizeWidth/2;
fireElement.css({top: firePositionTop, left: firePositionLeft, position:'absolute'});


set the background-image to be the fire.gif image

.fire_in_hand {
 width: 300px;
 height: 300px;
 background-image: url(../images/fire.gif);
 background-position: center center;
 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 background-size: cover;

That’s pretty much for the code! Now you should be good to start showing the magic fire in your hands!

以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网






黄哲铿 / 电子工业出版社 / 2015-6 / 49.00元

《技术管理之巅——如何从零打造高质效互联网技术团队?》为您解密国内顶级互联网公司技术团队管理的精髓。作者结合自己十余年在国内知名互联网公司MySteel、1号店等担任PMO总监、技术总监的丰富经验,进行归纳和总结。书中围绕着技术管理中的热点“如何搭建扁平化、去中心化的技术团队”、“大数据下的技术管理创新”、“目标管理方法OKR”、“阿米巴生产模式”、“Scrum和Kanban的实践”逐渐展开,从技......一起来看看 《技术管理之巅》 这本书的介绍吧!



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