内容简介:In this post, we will installLoki has installation instructions using Helm availableIn this tutorial, we will be using
In this post, we will install Loki , a log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. Loki is chosen just as an example app, which is used to show how we can apply Kustomize and Helm together :heart:. I think learning Helm & Kustomize is a good way to practice for your Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam. You will be definitely working with a lot of YAML, so having a lot of knowledge how to process it always helps.
Loki has installation instructions using Helm available here . You can choose from different versions of Helm charts:
loki/loki-stack loki/loki loki/promtail oki/fluent-bit
In this tutorial, we will be using loki/loki
and loki/promtail
Let’s begin by adding Loki chart to our Helm repositories.
helm repo add loki https://grafana.github.io/loki/charts helm repo update
It’s important to note that we won’t be using helm install
& helm upgrade install
, which would directly install the chart into the cluster, but instead we will use Helm 3 template
I highly recommend using this approach, as this way you have a chance to look at the manifest configuration of your new software before applying to the cluster. This allows you to better familiarize with the new software, it’s components and configuration. Also you can check whether chart’s configuration is acceptable to your environment. Good things to check include:
- Role Bindings / Cluster Role bindings – make sure chart doesn’t get a god mode in your cluster.
- User – you don’t want your new software to run root, do you?
- Pod Security policies – if software needs special permissions, like host networking or accessing host volumes, I would expect that package includes Pod Security policies, which are limited.
- Pod Disruption budgets & affinities/anti-affinities – These features add additional layer of reliability to the new software.
- Network policies – I haven’t seen anyone doing this, but it would be great if the new software mapped out it’s connection patterns with Network policies.
If your chart doesn’t check all the marks, don’t worry, I will show how you can fill the gaps yourself.
Templating with Helm
One of big Helm strengths is templating. It allows setting your own values in values.yaml
file or via command line --set "key1=val1,key2=val2,..."
. Additionally can also change the namespace using -n
Now let’s begin by using helm template
to generate some YAML:
helm template loki -n monitoring loki/loki \ > loki.yaml helm template loki -n monitoring loki/promtail \ > promtail.yaml
You should see the generated manifests in the loki.yaml
and promtail.yaml
files. If something doesn’t suit your environment, take a look at the published chart’s values.yaml
configuration file. This allows you to figure out whether your needed option can be changed. If it doesn’t Helm wont be able to help, but it’s still fine, we can use kustomize
to do the changes. In Loki case we are lucky, the chart has a lof configuration options. Take a look at loki values.yaml
and promtail values.yaml
One important note is just don’t edit generated files . If you edit these files, you will have a hard time updating it, as on every new update you will have to manually reapply same exact changes. But If you don’t touch it, you can safely pull in new changes using command line:
helm repo update helm template loki -n monitoring loki/loki \ > loki.yaml helm template loki -n monitoring loki/promtail \ > promtail.yaml
Now let’s take a look at loki.yaml
generated files. In the Loki’s Statefulset definition you can see that by default it uses emptyDir
to store the data:
volumes: - name: config secret: secretName: loki - name: storage emptyDir: {}
Let’s change it to use Persistent Volumes, because we want to actually store our logs. We can do that with Helm’s --set
argument, as the chart exposes this option in it’s values.yaml
persistence: enabled: false accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce size: 10Gi annotations: {}
We need to add --set "persistence.enabled=true,persistence.storageClassName=local-volume"
. This is how it looks:
helm template loki loki/loki -n monitoring \ –set "persistence.enabled=true" \ –set "persistence.storageClassName=local-storage" \ > loki.yaml
By the way I figured out how to set storageClassName by looking at this statefulset.yaml template
& not published values.yaml file. As sometimes authors forget to expose all the options in their values.yaml
, so you have to check the actual templates. Let’s take a look at generated yaml. We can see that our persistent volumes claim got generated:
volumeClaimTemplates: - metadata: name: storage annotations: {} spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: "10Gi" storageClassName: local-storage
Cool. Looks like, our problem is solved. But if you look at the generated YAML, you can notice one minor thing that doesn’t add up. Generated Pod Security Policy still needs emptyDir :
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityPolicy metadata: name: loki namespace: monitoring spec: privileged: false allowPrivilegeEscalation: false volumes: - 'configMap' - 'emptyDir' - 'persistentVolumeClaim' - 'secret'
Although there is no mention of emptyDir anywhere else.Looking at the chart template, it doesn’t have any options to fix that. It’s time we take out the big guns. Let’s use Kustomize.
Kustomize works completely differently from Helm. It takes a base manifest YAML and merges in your custom patch. The generated YAML from Helm will be our base, and we will patch it using our custom changes.
To start with kustomize you need to create kustomization.yaml
and add loki.yaml
as our base.
touch kustomization.yaml kustomize edit add base loki.yaml
Now let’s create a loki-patch.yaml
, which will remove emptyDir
from PodSecurityPolicy.
We do this by creating a PodSecurityPolicy which has same name & namespace, but with just the volumes we want. Create a new file called loki-patch.yaml
and add this:
apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityPolicy metadata: name: loki spec: volumes: – 'configMap' – 'persistentVolumeClaim' – 'secret'
Now let’s add it to our kustomization.yaml
file and generate yaml:
kustomize edit add patch loki-patch.yaml kustomize build
You can see that newly generated yaml’s PodSecurityPolicy doesn’t have emptyDir anymore! We have fixed the problem!
Kustomize Generators
Let’s take a look at the generated yaml again. The last thing I don’t like is the generated secret:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: labels: app: loki chart: loki-0.28.0 heritage: Helm release: loki name: loki namespace: monitoring data: loki.yaml: 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
If you base64 decode this, you will see:
auth_enabled: false chunk_store_config: max_look_back_period: 0 ingester: chunk_block_size: 262144 chunk_idle_period: 3m chunk_retain_period: 1m lifecycler: ring: kvstore: store: inmemory replication_factor: 1 max_transfer_retries: 0 limits_config: enforce_metric_name: false reject_old_samples: true reject_old_samples_max_age: 168h schema_config: configs: - from: "2018-04-15" index: period: 168h prefix: index_ object_store: filesystem schema: v9 store: boltdb server: http_listen_port: 3100 storage_config: boltdb: directory: /data/loki/index filesystem: directory: /data/loki/chunks table_manager: retention_deletes_enabled: false retention_period: 0s
Decoded secret contains configuration for loki. Let’s say we want to change retention period. One option would be to go and edit values.yaml
file, but I would recommend against it. Because kustomize
has an awesome feature called secretGenerator
/ configMapGenerator
. It allows you to avoid yaml in yaml
and makes your changes to your secret make an actual rollout in your Kubernetes cluster.
In order to use secretGenerator
we copy the base64 decoded secret and store it in a file. I’ve named my file loki-conf.yaml
. Then I’ve changed retention_period
from 0s
to 1d
. This is how my file looks:
auth_enabled: false chunk_store_config: max_look_back_period: 0 ingester: chunk_block_size: 262144 chunk_idle_period: 3m chunk_retain_period: 1m lifecycler: ring: kvstore: store: inmemory replication_factor: 1 max_transfer_retries: 0 limits_config: enforce_metric_name: false reject_old_samples: true reject_old_samples_max_age: 168h schema_config: configs: – from: "2018-04-15" index: period: 168h prefix: index_ object_store: filesystem schema: v9 store: boltdb server: http_listen_port: 3100 storage_config: boltdb: directory: /data/loki/index filesystem: directory: /data/loki/chunks table_manager: retention_deletes_enabled: true retention_period: 1d
Now let’s add it to kustomization.yaml
secretGenerator: – files: – loki.yaml=loki-conf.yaml name: loki namespace: monitoring behavior: replace type: Opaque
kustomize build
now will generate a new secret with name loki+HASH
. The hash is computed from content of lok-conf.yaml
. All the references to secret named loki
will be replaced with the new name. When you change the secret, kustomize will generate new hash, which will cause a deployment in Kubernetes. You can also safely rollback to previous configuration as the old secret is still in the cluster.
Kustomize build
Kustomizebrings a lot of benefits to the table. For example you can treat it as sort of compiler , which makes sure that manifests actually build and your custom patches work.
Let’s say upstream changes secret name from loki
to loki-v2
, but our custom patch still references the old name. If I try to kustomize build
it will fail:
Error: merging from generator &{0xc0004e5170 { } {map[] map[] false} {{monitoring loki merge {[] [loki.yaml=loki-conf.yaml] []}} }}: id resid.ResId{Gvk:resid.Gvk{Group:"", Version:"v1", Kind:"Secret"}, Name:"loki", Namespace:"monitoring"} does not exist; cannot merge or replace
This way Kustomize protects you by failing to build. The message is quite clear, you can’t apply your patch as secret named loki doesn’t exist. In the helm’s case if author changed the configuration option name, it will just fail silently:
For example, let’s mistype config option persistence.enabled
helm template loki --namespace=monitoring --set "persistence.enabled-v2=true,persistence.storageClassName=local-storage" loki/loki > loki.yaml
This generates emptyDir
version of loki with no errors.
Also kustomize
can combine different YAMLs into a single giant one. I typically recommend having one kustomization.yaml
per namespace, so that kustomize build
creates the whole namespace with all the applications & resources. For example:
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Kustomization namespace: monitoring secretGenerator: - files: - loki.yaml=loki-conf.yaml name: loki behavior: replace namespace: monitoring patchesStrategicMerge: - loki-patch.yaml resources: - namespace.yaml - loki.yaml - promtail.yaml - prometheus-pv.yaml - prometheus.yaml - prometheus-rbac.yaml - blackbox-exporter.yaml
This way kustomize
build will combine together Namespace definitions, Prometheus, Loki, Promtail & blackbox-exporter.
If you commit everything to git you can use GitOps model of deployment and use ArgoCD or Weave Flux t o deploy it.
Personally I’m a big fan of Argo CD, they have developed a beautiful Web UI and have a good support for Kustomize.
In order to get started, add templated Helm manifests to git. Then add your kustomization.yaml
with all the custom patches. Now you can fire up your Argo
UI and add new application which points to your git repository. That’s it.
Argo CD allows you to choose different synchronization strategies. When first starting, I recommend using Manual sync, which will require you to click a button for synchronizing the changes to the cluster. Later when you feel safe with Argo, you can enable automatic synchronization. This way ArgoCD will keep pulling repository & doing kustomize build | kubectl apply -f
into my Kubernetes cluster.
One thing to be careful about is Secrets
. You typically don’t want to commit your plaintext/base64 encoded passwords into git. Sometimes Helm Charts allow you to skip secret creation. For example Postgres chart has a postgresql.createSecret
option, MySQL chart has values.existingSecret
option. In Loki’s case we are out of luck. There is no skip secret option and Kustomize won’t help us with that. As it doesn’t support resource removals. You can read more about it in this design doc
. Right now for those charts, I just manually remove unneeded secrets and keep repeatedly doing that on each and every update.
Do you know a tool? Please let me know.
Generally this works great. Helm
generally works well and when it doesn’t Kustomize
helps. I highly recommend this approach of managing Kubernetes manifests, as it gives you some room to review configuration and make it ready for production. It’s certainly better than YOLO helm install
the software and seeing what happens. If you do that, please do it first in minikube
Have some free time? Consider applying for Certified Kubernetes Application Developer exam. You will learn a lot of valuable Kubernetes skills.
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed the article. See you next time!
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Helm & Kustomze better together ❤️》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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