public static LinkNode findMiddleByPointer(LinkNode node) { LinkNode slow = node; LinkNode fast = node; // 检测快指针是否可以安全移动 while (fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null) { slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; } return slow; }
public static void findMiddleByRecursion(LinkNode node, int recursionIndex) { if (node.next != null) { findMiddleByRecursion(node.next, recursionIndex + 1); } else { middleIndex = recursionIndex % 2 == 0 ? recursionIndex / 2 : recursionIndex / 2 + 1; } if (middleIndex == recursionIndex) { System.out.println(node.value); } return; }
public static boolean isExistCircle(LinkNode node) { LinkNode slow = node; LinkNode fast = node; while (fast.next != null && fast.next.next != null) { slow = slow.next; fast = fast.next.next; if (slow == fast) { return true; } } return false; }
public static void reverseLinkListByRecursion(LinkNode cur, LinkNode next) { if (next == null) { return; } reverseLinkListByRecursion(next, next.next); next.next = cur; cur.next = null; return; }
public static void reverseLinkListByPointer(LinkNode node) { LinkNode cur = node; LinkNode next = node.next; LinkNode nextNext = null; cur.next = null; while (next != null) { nextNext = next.next; next.next = cur; cur = next; next = nextNext; } }
5.删除经过 排序 的链表中重复的节点。
public static void removeDuplicateNode(LinkNode node) { if (node == null) { return; } LinkNode cur = node; LinkNode next = node.next; int dupicateVal = node.value; while (next != null) { if (next.value == dupicateVal) { next = next.next; continue; } dupicateVal = next.value; cur.next = next; cur = next; next = next.next; } }
将链表代表的数字进行相加即可,注意首位代表的是个位。3->1->5 代表513,5->9->2 代表295,最终计算结果为 8->0->8, 808。
public static LinkNode sumTwoLinkList(LinkNode num1, LinkNode num2) { // 如果其中一个链表为空的,直接当做0处理,返回另外一个链表 if (num1 == null) { return num2; } if (num2 == null) { return num1; } LinkNode sum = new LinkNode(); // 保存头结点,如果计算完成后直接返回头结点 LinkNode head = sum; // 是否进位 boolean isOver = false; // 当两个节点,其中一个存在时,即可进行累加 while (num1 != null || num2 != null) { // 默认初始化为0 int num1Val = 0; int num2Val = 0; if (num1 != null) { num1Val = num1.value; } if (num2 != null) { num2Val = num2.value; } // 如果进位的话 多加1 int singleSum = num1Val + num2Val + (isOver == true ? 1 : 0); if (singleSum >= 10) { isOver = true; singleSum = singleSum % 10; } else { isOver = false; } sum.value = singleSum; // 移动指针 num1 = num1 != null ? num1.next : null; num2 = num2 != null ? num2.next : null; // 没有数字相加,直接结束 if (num1 == null && num2 == null) { break; } else { // 还有数字相加的话 提前生成下个数字 sum.next = new LinkNode(); sum = sum.next; } } return head; }
public class SortAscDescLinkList { public static LinkNode oddLinkList = null; public static LinkNode evenLinkList = null; public static void main(String[] args) { // 初始化测试链表 LinkNode x1 = new LinkNode(1); LinkNode x2 = new LinkNode(10); LinkNode x3 = new LinkNode(2); LinkNode x4 = new LinkNode(9); LinkNode x5 = new LinkNode(3); LinkNode x6 = new LinkNode(8); LinkNode x7 = new LinkNode(4); LinkNode x8 = new LinkNode(7); LinkNode x9 = new LinkNode(5); LinkNode x10 = new LinkNode(6); x1.setNext(x2).setNext(x3).setNext(x4).setNext(x5).setNext(x6).setNext(x7).setNext(x8).setNext(x9).setNext(x10); // 先按奇数偶数位拆分链表 splitList(x1); // 再反转链表 evenLinkList = reverseLinkList(evenLinkList); // 再合并链表 mergeList(oddLinkList, evenLinkList); oddLinkList.printList(); } /** * 拆分两个链表 * @param node */ public static void splitList(LinkNode node) { oddLinkList = node; evenLinkList = node.next; LinkNode oddCur = node; LinkNode evenCur = node.next; while (oddCur != null || evenCur != null) { if (oddCur.next != null && oddCur.next.next != null) { oddCur.next = oddCur.next.next; oddCur = oddCur.next; }else { oddCur.next = null; oddCur = null; } if (evenCur.next != null && evenCur.next.next != null) { evenCur.next = evenCur.next.next; evenCur = evenCur.next; }else { evenCur.next = null; evenCur = null; } } } /** * 反转链表 * @param node * @return */ public static LinkNode reverseLinkList(LinkNode node) { LinkNode cur = node; LinkNode next = node.next; LinkNode nextNext = null; cur.next = null; while (next != null) { nextNext = next.next; next.next = cur; cur = next; next = nextNext; } return cur; } /** * 合并两个链表 * @param oddLinkList * @param evenLinkList */ public static void mergeList(LinkNode oddLinkList, LinkNode evenLinkList) { LinkNode oddTail = oddLinkList; while (oddTail.next != null) { oddTail = oddTail.next; } oddTail.next = evenLinkList; } }
public static LinkNode findLastKNumber(LinkNode node, int k) { LinkNode fast = node; LinkNode slow = node; for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { // 如果fast为空的话,说明k超出范围 if (fast == null) { throw new RuntimeException("超出链表范围!"); } fast = fast.next; } while (fast != null) { fast = fast.next; slow = slow.next; } return slow; }
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
Earle Castledine、Craig Sharkie / SitePoint / 2010-02-28 / USD 39.95
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