使用 SQL 查询分析实现类收发存的报表,原始需求在 另外一篇文章 的第四部分。下图是实现需求。
[buy]判断是否存在临时表,存在则删除[/buy] if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#inv') is not null drop table #inv if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t_mto') is not null drop table #t_MTO if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#t_mtoentry') is not null drop table #t_MTOEntry
declare @finterid int = 1059 if exists (select f1 from ( select case when (ti.FSecUnitID = 0 and t2.FQty > 0) OR (ti.FSecUnitID > 0 and t2.FQty > 0 and t2.FSecQty > 0 ) then 1 else 0 end as "F1" from PORequestEntry t1 left join ICInventory t2 on t1.FItemID = t2.FItemID left join t_ICItem ti on t1.FItemID = ti.FItemID where t1.FInterID = @finterid and t1.FPlanMode = '14035' and t1.FMTONo <> '999999' and t2.FBatchNo = '999999' and t2.FMTONo in ('','999999') ) as t where f1 = 1 )
declare @maxNum int select @maxNum = FMaxNum from ICMaxNum where FTableName = 't_MTOChange' set @maxNum = @maxNum + 1 update ICMaxNum set FMaxNum = @maxNum
select t3.FBillNo, t1.FEntryID, t1.FDetailID, t1.FItemID, t1.FMTONo as "t1FMTONo", ti.FSecUnitID, t1.FQty as "t1FQty", t1.FCommitQty, t1.FUnitID, tm.FCoefficient, t1.FAuxCommitQty, t1.FAuxQty, t1.FSecQty as "t1FSecQty", t1.FSecCommitQty, t1.FOrderQty, t1.FMRPClosed, t1.FPlanMode, t1.FEntrySelfP0139, --辅助数量(计算) t1.FEntrySelfP0140, --关联数量 t1.FEntrySelfP0141, --关联标志 t2.FStockID, t2.FStockPlaceID, t2.FKFPeriod, t2.FKFDate, t2.FQty as "t2FQty", t2.FSecQty as "t2FSecQty", case when t2.FSecQty > 0 then t2.FQty / t2.FSecQty else 0 end as "FSecCoefficient", t2.FBatchNo, t2.FMTONo as "t2FMTONo", CAST(null as int) as "FMTOInterID", CAST(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FChaQty", cast(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FMTOChange", cast(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FSumMTOChange", CAST(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FBegQty", CAST(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FEndQty", cast(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FSecChaQty", cast(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FSecMTOChange", cast(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FSecSumMTOChange", CAST(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FSecBegQty", CAST(null as decimal(28,10)) as "FSecEndQty", DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY t1.FItemID) AS RANK1, ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by t1.FDetailID order By t1.FEntryID,t2.FMTONo,t2.FQty desc) RANK2 into #inv from PORequestEntry t1 left join ICInventory t2 on t1.FItemID = t2.FItemID left join t_ICItem ti on t1.FItemID = ti.FItemID left join t_MeasureUnit tm on t1.FUnitID = tm.FMeasureUnitID left join PORequest t3 on t1.FInterID =t3.FInterID where t1.FInterID = @finterid and t1.FPlanMode = '14035' and t1.FMTONo <> '999999' and t2.FBatchNo = '999999' and t2.FMTONo in ('','999999') and t2.FQty > 0 and ((ti.FSecUnitID = 0 and t2.FQty > 0) OR (ti.FSecUnitID > 0 and t2.FQty > 0 and t2.FSecQty > 0 ))
update #inv set FMtoInterID = @maxNum
create table #t_MTO( FID int, FClassTypeID int, FTranType int, FBillNo nvarchar(255), FDate datetime, FNote nvarchar(255), FBillerID int, FCheckDate datetime, FEmpID int, FCheckerID int, FDeptID int, FStatus smallint, FUpStockWhenSave bit, FPrintCount int, FSourceBillNo nvarchar(50), FSourceTranType int )
create table #t_MTOEntry( FID int, FIndex int, FItemID int, FAuxPropID int, FBatchNo varchar(255), FStockID int, FSPID int, FBaseQty decimal(23,10), FSecUnitID int, FUnitID int, FQty decimal(23,10), FSecCoefficient decimal(23,10), FSecQty decimal(23,10), FChangeQty_Base decimal(23,10), FChangeQty decimal(23,10), FChangeSecQty decimal(23,10), FKFDate datetime, FKFPeriod int, FPeriodDate datetime, FFromMTONo nvarchar(50), FToMTONo nvarchar(50), FChangeBaseQty decimal(23,10), FSelectedProcID int, FEntrySupply int, FStockTypeID int, FMrpNo nvarchar(50) )
declare @R1 int = 1 declare @maxR int = (select MAX(RANK1) from #inv) while @R1 <= @maxR begin if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#inv2') is not null drop table #inv2 select *,DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY FDetailID) AS RANK3 into #inv2 from #inv where RANK1 = @R1 declare @FSecUnitID int = (select top(1) FSecUnitID from #inv2 where RANK1 = @R1) if @FSecUnitID = 0 begin --没有辅助单位的 declare @R2 int = 1 declare @maxR2 int = (select MAX(RANK2) from #inv2 where RANK3 = 1) declare @FChaQty decimal(28,10) = (select t1FQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = 1 and RANK3 = 1) while @R2 <= @maxR2 begin set @FChaQty = @FChaQty - (select t2FQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = @R2 and RANK3 = 1) update #inv2 set FChaQty = @FChaQty where RANK2 = @R2 and RANK3 = 1 if @FChaQty > 0 update #inv2 set FMTOChange = t2FQty where RANK2 = @R2 and RANK3 = 1 if @FChaQty <=0 update #inv2 set FMTOChange = t2FQty + FChaQty where RANK2 = @R2 and RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FSumMTOChange = (select SUM(FMTOChange) from #inv2 where RANK3 = 1 and FMTOChange > 0) where RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FMRPClosed = case when (FSumMTOChange - t1FQty >= 0 ) then 1 else 0 end where RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FEndQty = t2FQty - FMTOChange where RANK3 = 1 and FMTOChange > 0 update #inv2 set FEndQty = t2FQty where RANK3 = 1 and FMTOChange <= 0 set @R2 = @R2 +1 end declare @R3 int = 1 declare @maxR3 int = (select MAX(RANK3) from #inv2) while @R3 <= @maxR3 begin declare @i int = 1 declare @maxI int = (select MAX(rank2) from #inv2 where RANK3 = @R3) while @i <= @maxI begin update #inv2 set FBegQty = t2FQty where RANK2 = @i and RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FBegQty = (select FEndQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = @i and RANK3 = @R3 and FEndQty >0) where RANK2 = @i and RANK3 = @R3+1 set @i = @i + 1 end declare @R31 int = 2 while @R31 <= @maxR3 begin declare @j int = (select min(RANK2) from #inv2 where FBegQty >0 and RANK3 = @R31) declare @maxJ int = (select max(RANK2) from #inv2 where FBegQty >0 and RANK3 = @R31) declare @FChaQty2 decimal(28,10)= (select t1FQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = 1 and RANK3 = @R31) while @j <= @maxJ begin set @FChaQty2 = @FChaQty2 - (select FBegQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = @j and RANK3 = @R31) update #inv2 set FChaQty = @FChaQty2 where RANK2 = @j and RANK3 = @R31 if @FChaQty2 > 0 update #inv2 set FMTOChange = FBegQty where RANK2 = @j and RANK3 = @R31 if @FChaQty2 <=0 update #inv2 set FMTOChange = FBegQty + FChaQty where RANK2 = @j and RANK3 = @R31 update #inv2 set FSumMTOChange = (select SUM(FMTOChange) from #inv2 where RANK3 = @R31 and FMTOChange >0) where RANK3 = @R31 update #inv2 set FMRPClosed = case when (FSumMTOChange - t1FQty >= 0 ) then 1 else 0 end where RANK3 = @R31 update #inv2 set FEndQty = FBegQty - FMTOChange where RANK3 = @R31 and FMTOChange > 0 update #inv2 set FEndQty = FBegQty where RANK3 = @R31 and FMTOChange <= 0 set @j = @j+1 end set @R31 = @R31 +1 end set @R3 = @R3 + 1 end end if @FSecUnitID >0 begin --有辅助单位的 declare @R2s int = 1 declare @maxR2s int = (select MAX(RANK2) from #inv2 where RANK3 = 1) declare @FSecChaQty decimal(28,10) = (select FEntrySelfP0139 from #inv2 where RANK2 = 1 and RANK3 = 1) while @R2s <= @maxR2s begin set @FSecChaQty = @FSecChaQty - (select t2FSecQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = @R2s and RANK3 = 1) update #inv2 set FSecChaQty = @FSecChaQty where RANK2 = @R2s and RANK3 = 1 if @FSecChaQty > 0 update #inv2 set FSecMTOChange = t2FSecQty where RANK2 = @R2s and RANK3 = 1 if @FSecChaQty <=0 update #inv2 set FSecMTOChange = t2FSecQty + FSecChaQty where RANK2 = @R2s and RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FSecSumMTOChange = (select SUM(FSecMTOChange) from #inv2 where RANK3 = 1 and FSecMTOChange > 0) where RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FMRPClosed = case when (FSecSumMTOChange - FEntrySelfP0139 >= 0 ) then 1 else 0 end where RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FSecEndQty = t2FSecQty - FSecMTOChange where RANK3 = 1 and FSecMTOChange > 0 update #inv2 set FSecEndQty = t2FSecQty where RANK3 = 1 and FSecMTOChange <= 0 update #inv2 set FMTOChange = FSecMTOChange * FSecCoefficient where RANK2 = @R2s and RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FSumMTOChange = (select SUM(FMTOChange) from #inv2 where RANK3 = 1 and FMTOChange > 0) where RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FEndQty = t2FQty - FMTOChange where RANK3 = 1 and FMTOChange > 0 update #inv2 set FEndQty = t2FQty where RANK3 = 1 and FMTOChange <= 0 set @R2s = @R2s +1 end declare @R3s int = 1 declare @maxR3s int = (select MAX(RANK3) from #inv2) while @R3s <= @maxR3s begin declare @is int = 1 declare @maxIs int = (select MAX(rank2) from #inv2 where RANK3 = @R3s) while @is <= @maxIs begin update #inv2 set FSecBegQty = t2FSecQty where RANK2 = @is and RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FSecBegQty = (select FSecEndQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = @is and RANK3 = @R3s and FSecEndQty >0) where RANK2 = @is and RANK3 = @R3s+1 update #inv2 set FBegQty = t2FQty where RANK2 = @is and RANK3 = 1 update #inv2 set FBegQty = (select FEndQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = @is and RANK3 = @R3s and FEndQty >0) where RANK2 = @is and RANK3 = @R3s+1 set @is = @is + 1 end declare @R31s int = 2 while @R31s <= @maxR3s begin declare @js int = (select min(RANK2) from #inv2 where FSecBegQty >0 and RANK3 = @R31s) declare @maxJs int = (select max(RANK2) from #inv2 where FSecBegQty >0 and RANK3 = @R31s) declare @FSecChaQty2 decimal(28,10)= (select FEntrySelfP0139 from #inv2 where RANK2 = 1 and RANK3 = @R31s) while @js <= @maxJs begin set @FSecChaQty2 = @FSecChaQty2 - (select FSecBegQty from #inv2 where RANK2 = @js and RANK3 = @R31s) update #inv2 set FSecChaQty = @FSecChaQty2 where RANK2 = @js and RANK3 = @R31s if @FSecChaQty2 > 0 update #inv2 set FSecMTOChange = FSecBegQty where RANK2 = @js and RANK3 = @R31s if @FSecChaQty2 <=0 update #inv2 set FSecMTOChange = FSecBegQty + FSecChaQty where RANK2 = @js and RANK3 = @R31s update #inv2 set FSecSumMTOChange = (select SUM(FSecMTOChange) from #inv2 where RANK3 = @R31s and FSecMTOChange >0) where RANK3 = @R31s update #inv2 set FMRPClosed = case when (FSecSumMTOChange - FEntrySelfP0139 >= 0 ) then 1 else 0 end where RANK3 = @R31s update #inv2 set FSecEndQty = FSecBegQty - FSecMTOChange where RANK3 = @R31s and FSecMTOChange > 0 update #inv2 set FSecEndQty = FSecBegQty where RANK3 = @R31s and FSecMTOChange <= 0 update #inv2 set FMTOChange = FSecMTOChange * FSecCoefficient where RANK2 = @js and RANK3 = @R31s update #inv2 set FSumMTOChange = (select SUM(FMTOChange) from #inv2 where RANK3 = @R31s and FMTOChange > 0 ) where RANK3 = @R31s update #inv2 set FEndQty = FBegQty - FMTOChange where RANK3 = @R31s and FMTOChange > 0 update #inv2 set FEndQty = FBegQty where RANK3 = @R31s and FMTOChange <= 0 set @js = @js+1 end set @R31s = @R31s +1 end set @R3s = @R3s + 1 end end select * from #inv2
update te set te.FMRPClosed = ti.FMRPClosed, te.FCommitQty = ti.FSumMTOChange, te.FAuxCommitQty = ti.FSumMTOChange / ti.FCoefficient, te.FSecCommitQty = case when ti.FSecSumMTOChange IS null then 0 else ti.FSecSumMTOChange end, te.FOrderQty = ti.FSumMTOChange, te.FEntrySelfP0140 = case when ti.FSecUnitID = 0 then ti.FSumMTOChange else ti.FSecSumMTOChange end, te.FEntrySelfP0141 = 1 from PORequestEntry te,#inv2 ti where te.FDetailID = ti.FDetailID
insert into #t_MTOEntry select FMTOInterID, '' as "FIndex", FItemID, '0' as "FAuxPropID", FBatchNo, FStockID, FStockPlaceID, FBegQty, null as "FSecUnitID", FUnitID, FBegQty / FCoefficient as "FQty", FSecCoefficient, case when FSecBegQty is null then 0 else FSecBegQty end as "FSecQty", '0' as FChangeQty_Base, FMTOChange / FCoefficient as "FChangeQty", case when FSecMTOChange is null then 0 else FSecMTOChange end as "FChangeSecQty", case when (FKFDate = '') then null else FKFDate end AS "FKFDate", FKFPeriod, case when (FKFDate = '') then null else FKFDate + FKFPeriod end AS "FPeriodDate", t2FMTONo, t1FMTONo, FMTOChange, '', '', '', '' from #inv2 where FMTOChange > 0 set @R1 = @R1+1 end
insert into #t_MTO select FMTOInterID, 1107011, 1107011, 'MTOAUTO'+LTRIM(str(FMTOInterID)), CONVERT(varchar(10),getdate(),23)+' 00:00:00.000', '', 16394, GETDATE(), 2649, 16394, 277, 1, 0, 0, FBillNo, 70 from #inv2
insert into t_MTOChange select * from #t_MTO insert into t_MTOChangeEntry select * from #t_MTOEntry
Insert Into ICClassCheckRecords1107011(FPage,FBillID,FBillEntryID,FBillNo, FBillEntryIndex,FCheckLevel,FCheckLevelTo,FMode,FCheckMan, FCheckIdea,FCheckDate,FDescriptions) Values (1,@maxnum,0,'MTOAUTO'+ltrim(str(@maxnum)),0,-99,-1,0,16394,'',GetDate(),'审核') Insert Into ICClassCheckRecords1107011(FPage,FBillID,FBillEntryID,FBillNo, FBillEntryIndex,FCheckLevel,FCheckLevelTo,FMode,FCheckMan, FCheckIdea,FCheckDate,FDescriptions) Values (1,@maxnum,0,'MTOAUTO'+ltrim(str(@maxnum)),0,-1,1,0,16394,'',GetDate(),'审核')
EXEC CheckInventory
update PORequest set FChildren = FChildren + 1,FHeadSelfP0134 = @maxNum where FInterID = @finterid
以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《用SQL查询分析实现类似金蝶K3的收发存明细表》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!
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