内容简介:a ridiculously small responsive css framework.I challenged myself to see how small I could go, but preserve everything Skeleton, Milligram, and other micro frameworks have to offer.
a ridiculously small responsive css framework.
I challenged myself to see how small I could go, but preserve everything Skeleton, Milligram, and other micro frameworks have to offer.
- 12 Column Responsive Grid
- Typography for h1-h6, and body text
- Three types of buttons
- Cards
- Inputs
- Table Styles
and a little bit more...
util is an atomic css addon for lit. It is currently a work in progress, but feel free to check it out at https://ajusa.github.io/lit/docs/util.html
Getting Started
- Install lit.css with one of the following:
npm install --save @ajusa/lit <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ajusa/lit@latest/dist/lit.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ajusa/lit@latest/src/lit.css" />
- Read the Docs to see usage
Note: lit uses PostCSS to transform from CSSNext to CSS3. If you are comfortable outright using CSSNext, you can directly include the lit.css
file in the src directory. Otherwise, use the dist/lit.css
Supported Browsers
lit supports most modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera) but it also has impressive support for older browsers. lit has been tested on Internet Explorer 11 with no issues.
Development Setup
- Clone this repository ( https://www.github.com/ajusa/lit )
- Make sure you have npm installed
- Run
npm install
in the root directory oflit
- Once that is completed, run
npm run build
to build the minified version and the gzipped file. - If you are making changes live, use
npm run watch
will build the minified css file in./dist
whenever there is a change in./src/lit.css
以上就是本文的全部内容,希望对大家的学习有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持 码农网
[美] 约翰.麦考密克 / 管策 / 中信出版社 / 2013-6 / 39.00元
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