AvionDB: A Decentralised Database with MongoDB-like Developer Interface

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:AvionDB uses OrbitDB stores to model MongoDB-like Databases. It creates a notion of:See more details in the


AvionDB aims to bring MongoDB-like developer interface to Web 3.0.

We are working on the initial Specs. See AvionDB Specs doc


AvionDB: A Decentralised Database with MongoDB-like Developer Interface

AvionDB uses OrbitDB stores to model MongoDB-like Databases. It creates a notion of:

See more details in the Specs .

Project status & support

Status: in active development

NOTE! AvionDB is alpha-stage software. It means AvionDB hasn't been security audited and programming APIs and data formats can still change. We encourage you to reach out to the maintainers if you plan to use AvionDB in mission critical systems.

This is the Javascript implementation and it works both in Browsers and Node.js with support for Linux, OS X, and windows . The minimum required version of Node.js is now 8.6.0 due to the usage of ... spread syntax. LTS versions (even numbered versions 8, 10, etc) are preferred.

Table of Contents


This module uses node.js, and can be installed through npm:

Using NodeJS

// Using npm
npm install --save aviondb

// Using Github
npm install git+https://github.com/dappkit/aviondb.git

We support both the Current and Active LTS versions of Node.js. Please see nodejs.org for what these currently are. The minimum required version of Node.js is now 8.6.0 due to the usage of ... spread syntax. LTS versions (even numbered versions 8, 10, etc) are preferred.

In a web browser

through Browserify

Same as in Node.js, you just have to browserify to bundle the code before serving it.

Note: The code uses es6 , so you have to use babel to convert the code into es5 before using browserify .

through webpack

Same as in Node.js, you just have to webpack to bundle the the code before serving it.

Note: The code uses es6 , so you have to use babel to convert the code into es5 before using webpack .

from CDN

Instead of a local installation (and browserification) you may request a remote copy of AvionDB from unpkg CDN.

To always request the latest version, use the following:

<!-- loading the minified version -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aviondb/dist/aviondb.min.js"></script>

CDN-based AvionDB provides the AvionDB constructor as a method of the global window object. Example:

// create an AvionDB instance
const aviondb = await AvionDB.create("DatabaseName", ipfs)

See examples/index.html to check out a fully functioning example for AvionDB with browser.



const AvionDB = require("aviondb");
const IPFS = require("ipfs");
const ipfs = new IPFS();

const runExample = async () => {
  // Initialize AvionDB Instance
  await ipfs.ready;
  const aviondb = await AvionDB.init("DatabaseName", ipfs); // Creates a db named "DatabaseName"
  //await aviondb.load()
  //Not required as AvionDB.open() calls aviondb.load() automatically. However if avionDB is created directly from an orbitdb instance it must be called.
  var collection = await aviondb.initCollection("employees"); // Collection interface

  await aviondb.listCollections() // ['employees'] Returns the List of collection names

  // Hypothetical employee profile
  await collection.insertOne({
    hourly_pay: 15,
    name: "Elon",
    ssn: "562-48-5384",
    weekly_hours: 100,

  var result = await collection.findOne({
    ssn: "562-48-5384", // Search by a single field Or many!

  console.log(result); // Returns the matching document

  await collection.close(); // Collection will be closed.
  await aviondb.drop(); // Drops the database 
  await aviondb.close(); // Closes all collections and binding database.
  await ipfs.stop();



See API.md for the full documentation.


Run Tests

npm test


Run Write Benchmark

npm run benchmarks:write

Run Query Benchmark

npm run benchmarks:query

Run Update Benchmark

npm run benchmarks:update

See benchmarks/ for more info on benchmarks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there implementations in other languages?

We are working to implement AvionDB for following languages:

  • NodeJS & Browser JS
  • Typescript
  • Golang
  • Python

The best place to find out what is out there and what is being actively worked on is likely by asking in the Discord .

If you want or are planning to create an implementation in a language that is not listed here, then feel free to reach us out and discuss about it in the Discord .

Where can I see your Roadmap?

You can find our Roadmap here . The features in the Roadmap are taken from 2 separate issues( #7 , #8 ) which individually maintain a list of feature proposals related to OrbitDB-specific improvements & AvionDB-specific improvements respectively.

The Roadmap is an open discussion, feel free to add your suggestions, comments.

What mongodb features does aviondb support?

You can find all the supported MongoDB-like features in our API docs .

Other Questions?

If you didn't find the answer to your question(s), feel free to reach us out on Discord .


Take a look at our organization-wide Contributing Guide .

As far as code goes, we would be happy to accept PRs! If you want to work on something, it'd be good to talk beforehand to make sure nobody else is working on it. You can reach us on Discord , or in the issues section .

If you want to code but don't know where to start, check out the issues labelled "help wanted" , "discussion" .

Please note that we have a Code of Conduct , and that all activity in the @dappkit organization falls under it. Read it when you get the chance, as being part of this community means that you agree to abide by it. Thanks.


The development of AvionDB has been sponsored by:

If you want to sponsor developers to work on AvionDB, please consider sponsoring using the "Sponsor" button on the top of the AvionDB Github Page .



以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《AvionDB: A Decentralised Database with MongoDB-like Developer Interface》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!




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