内容简介:Affected Android versions: Android 10 / Android 11Watch this Youtube Video for a quick introduction
Affected Android versions: Android 10 / Android 11
Watch this Youtube Video for a quick introduction
This exploit manipulates the "startActivity" Binder event in a way that let the ActivityManagerService die. This will also cause all other system services to die.
Read this for more technical details
Execute test
Prebuilt APK
Fetch the APK here: Download
And enable "Unknown Sources" while install it on you're device!
Please create a bug report if you find any issues. This chapter will be updated then.
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【美】Bruce A. Tate(泰特)、Fred Daoud(达乌德)、Ian Dees(迪斯) / 7ML翻译组 / 人民邮电出版社 / 2016-12 / 59
深入研习对未来编程具有重要意义的7种语言 Lua、Factor、Elixir、Elm、Julia、Idris和MiniKanren 本书带领读者认识和学习7种编程语言,旨在帮助读者探索更为强大的编程工具。 本书延续了同系列的畅销书《七周七语言》《七周七数据库》和《七周七Web开发框架》的体例和风格。 全书共8章,前7章介绍了Lua、Factor、Elm、Elixir、Jul......一起来看看 《七周七语言(卷2)》 这本书的介绍吧!