内容简介:IP2Location 主要是用于代替 MaxMind GeoIP,原因是 GeoIP 数据库针对中国的 Blacklist 黑名单有非常高的误伤率,选择 IP2Location 可以有效降低误伤,为了业务需求得及时做出改变。在使用 IP2Location 的过程中发现官网的步骤还是存在一些问题,这里记录和分享下自己逐步解决问题的过程。2020 年 04 月 21 日 - 初稿阅读原文 -
IP2Location 主要是用于代替 MaxMind GeoIP,原因是 GeoIP 数据库针对中国的 Blacklist 黑名单有非常高的误伤率,选择 IP2Location 可以有效降低误伤,为了业务需求得及时做出改变。在使用 IP2Location 的过程中发现官网的步骤还是存在一些问题,这里记录和分享下自己逐步解决问题的过程。
2020 年 04 月 21 日 - 初稿
阅读原文 - https://wsgzao.github.io/post/ip2location/
GeoIP 和 IP2Location 简介
GeoIP 是一套含 IP 数据库的软件工具。除此之外还有 IP2Location 等,国内做得比较深入的是高春辉创建的 IPIP.NET
Geo 根据来访者的 IP, 定位该 IP 所在经纬度、国家 / 地区、省市、和街道等位置信息。
GeoIP/IP2Location 等通常有两个版本,一个免费版,一个收费版本。
Geo IP solution to identify country, region, city, latitude & longitude, ZIP code, time zone, connection speed, ISP, domain name, IDD country code, area code, weather station data, mobile network codes (MNC), mobile country codes (MCC), mobile carrier, elevation and usage type.
GeoIP 是大家都非常熟悉的老字号,而这次的主角是 IP2Location
IP2Location Nginx Module
This is an IP2Location Nginx Module that enables the user to identify the country code and country name by IP address. In general, it is faster, easier and more accurate than reverse DNS lookups.
IP2Location C library enables the user to find the country, region, city, coordinates, ZIP code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection type, area code, weather, MCC, MNC, mobile brand name, elevation and usage type that any IP address or hostname originates from. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. Developers can use the API to query all IP2Location™ binary databases for IPv4 and IPv6 address.
- Download IP2location C library from here .
- Download and decompress this Nginx module package.
- Change the path to IP2Location library in “ngx_http_ip2location_module.c”.
Re-compile Nginx from source to include this module. Add the below directive into the compile of Nginx:
./configure --add-module=/absolute/path/to/nginx-ip2location-8.0.0
make install
Edit your Nginx config file to point the correct path of IP2Location database file:
ip2location_database /absolute/path/to/IP2LOCATION-DB1.BIN;
IP2Location 官方的执行步骤存在一些问题没有说清楚,这里分享自己实践后的步骤和结论
# These are for RedHat, CentOS, and Fedora. sudo yum install wget git gcc-c++ pcre-devel zlib-devel make libtool autoconf automake # These are for Debian. Ubuntu will be similar. sudo apt-get install wget git build-essential zlib1g-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libtool autoconf automake
编译 IP2Location C library
git clone https://github.com/chrislim2888/IP2Location-C-Library cd IP2Location-C-Library autoreconf -i -v --force ./configure make make install # 以下步骤可选 cd data perl ip-country.pl cd ../test ./test-IP2Location
编译 Nginx
# Download ip2location-nginx git clone https://github.com/ip2location/ip2location-nginx # IP2Location library in "ngx_http_ip2location_module.c" cd ip2location-nginx vim ngx_http_ip2location_module.c #include "IP2Location.h" #include "/root/ip2location/IP2Location-C-Library-master/libIP2Location/IP2Location.h" # Download Nginx Stable version VERSION="1.16.1" wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-${VERSION}.tar.gz tar -xvzf nginx-${VERSION}.tar.gz cd nginx-${VERSION} # Compile Nginx ./configure --add-module=../ip2location-nginx make sudo make install # error: Failed dependencies: # libIP2Location.so.1()(64bit) is needed by nginx-garena-1.16.1-0.noarch # 一般编译 nginx 二进制文件不会出现该问题,如果你使用 rpmbuild 打包就要注意了 rpm -Uvh https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/7/remi/x86_64/libip2location-8.0.7-1.el7.remi.x86_64.rpm
IP2Location Database Download
IP2Location offers 5 free LITE databases and 24 commercial IP geolocation databases. Free database is less accurate comparing to commercial database.
# Create new directory for IP2Location database. mkdir -p /usr/share/ip2location cd /usr/share/ip2location # Go to https://lite.ip2location.com. Sign up an account for login and password. # Download and decompress the latest IP2Location LITE database. wget http://download.ip2location.com/lite/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.BIN.ZIP unzip IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.BIN.ZIP
You need to configure Nginx to use IP2LOCATION module.
# Edit vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # Add following lines under `http` context: http { ip2location on; ip2location_database /usr/share/ip2location/IP2LOCATION-LITE-DB1.BIN; #ip2location_database /usr/share/ip2location/IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-ISP-DOMAIN.BIN ip2location_access_type shared_memory; }
可选参数 ip2location_access_type file_io|shared_memory|cache_memory
默认为 shared_memory
建议不要选择 file_io, 否则可能会严重拖慢响应速度
ip2location on|off
Default: off
Context: http, server, location
Description: Enable or disable IP2LOCATION Nginx module.
ip2location_database path
Default: none
Context: http
Description: The absolute path to IP2LOCATION BIN database.
ip2location_access_type file_io|shared_memory|cache_memory
Default: shared_memory
Context: http
Description: Set the method used for lookup.
ip2location_proxy cidr|address
Default: none
Context: http
Description: Set a list of proxies to translate x-forwarded-for headers for.
ip2location_proxy_recursive on|off
Default: off
Context: http
Description: Enable recursive search in the x-forwarded-for headers.
The following variables will be made available in Nginx:
ip2location_country_short ip2location_country_long ip2location_region ip2location_city ip2location_isp ip2location_latitude ip2location_longitude ip2location_domain ip2location_zipcode ip2location_timezone ip2location_netspeed ip2location_iddcode ip2location_areacode ip2location_weatherstationcode ip2location_weatherstationname ip2location_mcc ip2location_mnc ip2location_elevation ip2location_usagetype
You may block the traffic from United States in Nginx as below:
if ( $ip2location_country_short = 'US' ) { return 444; } if ( $ip2location_country_short = 'SG' ) { return 444; }
还可以参照 GeoIP 的配置方法
map $ip2location_country_short $blacklist_country { default no; CN yes; } server { listen 80; server_name wangao.com; if ($blacklist_country = yes) { return 444; } }
浏览器访问检查 nginx log 结果
tailf /var/log/nginx/access.log xxx - - [21/Apr/2020:17:18:11 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 396 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36" xxx - - [21/Apr/2020:17:18:42 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 444 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.163 Safari/537.36"
IP2Location Python Library
This module is a Python Library to support all IP2Location™ database products. It has been optimized for speed and memory utilization. Developers can use this API to query all IP2Location™ binary databases for IPv4 and IPv6 address.
import IP2Location IP2LocObj = IP2Location.IP2Location() ''' Cache the database into memory to accelerate lookup speed. WARNING: Please make sure your system have sufficient RAM to use this feature. ''' # database = IP2Location.IP2Location(os.path.join("data", "IPV6-COUNTRY.BIN"), "SHARED_MEMORY") IP2LocObj.open("data/IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE-WEATHER-MOBILE-ELEVATION-USAGETYPE-SAMPLE.BIN") rec = IP2LocObj.get_all("") print rec.country_short
import IP2Location import sys import argparse def ip2location_search(ip, db): IP2LocObj = IP2Location.IP2Location() ''' Cache the database into memory to accelerate lookup speed. WARNING: Please make sure your system have sufficient RAM to use this feature. ''' # database = IP2Location.IP2Location(os.path.join("data", "IPV6-COUNTRY.BIN"), "SHARED_MEMORY") IP2LocObj.open(db) rec = IP2LocObj.get_all(ip) print rec.country_short def _parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Search IP in IP2Location Database") parser.add_argument("-i", "--ip", help="Input ip", required=True) parser.add_argument("-d", "--db", help="Path to ip2location db", required=True) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == "__main__": args = _parse_args() ip = args.ip db = args.db ip2location_search(ip, db)
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