Convert a number to an approximated text expression

栏目: IT技术 · 发布时间: 4年前

内容简介:Number Words will build numeric expressions for natural numbers, percentages and fractions. For example:Supports multiple languages.The implementation is based on ideas expressed in

Number Words

Number Words will build numeric expressions for natural numbers, percentages and fractions. For example:

  • 0.231 will be converted to less than a quarter ,
  • 102 to over one hundred .

Supports multiple languages.

The implementation is based on ideas expressed in Generating Numerical Approximations .

Numerical Approximations

Numerical approximations are all over texts based on the data:

- Water temperature is bellow 10C (input data would be 9.53C)
- A third of students failed the exam (34.3%)
- Q2 sales were around 1M$ (1,002,184 $)

Numeric data providing information about some metrics of interest is often a number with the precision we do not need. If we see 9.382%, it is likely that the information we need is - almost 10% - instead of the precise number. Furthermore, different approximation strategies are often used in the report involving the same metrics. At the beginning of the report we might say almost 10% or "below 10%" while later in the text, we might choose a more precise expression - around 9.4% .

Number Words will help you build such numerical approximations. Making them available for the text generation systems.


Number Words uses the following abstractions:

  • Actual Value is a number which needs to be approximated - an input to the approximation function. In the examples above it is the temperature - 9.53C , or the percentage 34.3% .
  • Scale of approximation. It is a snapping grid across the range of numbers along which the approximation is done. The scale to use is determined by the domain. For example:
    • 1/4 scale, will form approximation steps starting at 0 then 1/4 , 1/2 , 3/4 ending with 1 ;
    • 1/10 scale will express percentages with one precision point;
    • scales which are multiples of 10 are useful for natural number approximation. The 10 will round to tens: 1007 -> 1010 , the 100 to hundreds: 1003 -> 1000 , and so on.

The result of actual value approximation to a given scale provides:

  • Given Value a discrete value along the scaled number range to which actual value is the closest.
  • Hedge a common use word describing the relation between actual and given values. Actual Value of 9.5 is below given value of 10 . Actual Value of 101 is over given value of 100 .
  • Text a textual spell out of the given value . A 2666 is Two thousand six hundred sixty six .
  • Favorite Number expresses some common language names for certain numbers. A 0.25 is a favorite number in that that it has the name - a quarter .

A full approximation result returns three such approximation data structures for a given value which is:

  • smaller than the actual value on the scaled number range.
  • greater than the actual value on the scaled number range.
  • around the actual value on the scaled number range. For this a is chosen from the above two which is closer to the actual value .


Numeric approximation has two functionality points which are language dependent

  • Hedges which will differ from language to language. See Configuration section to see how this can be controlled.
  • Text number to text translation for a given value . For this translation Number Words relies on ICU4J .

Currently supported languages:

  • English
  • German


Number Words exposes approximation functionality through approximations function which takes on the following parameters:

  • language - :de or :en
  • actual-value - the number to approximate
  • scale - at which the approximation is to be performed.
(require '[numberwords.core :as nw])

(nw/approximations :en 0.258 1/4)
           #:numwords{:hedges #{"approximately" "about" "around"},
                      :text "zero point two five",
                      :given-value 1/4,
                      :favorite-number #{"a quarter"}},
           #:numwords{:hedges #{"over" "more than"},
                      :text "zero point two five",
                      :given-value 1/4,
                      :favorite-number #{"a quarter"}},
           #:numwords{:hedges #{"nearly" "under" "less than"},
                      :text "zero point five",
                      :given-value 1/2,
                      :favorite-number #{"a half"}}}


Hedges, favorite numbers can be modified and new languages added via changes to a configuration file - resources/numwords.edn

{;;Configuration is strucutured by the language 
 :en {
      ;;Hedges section specifies which words are associated with given actual to given value relations
      :hedges {:equal  #{"exactly"}
               :around #{"around" "approximately" "about"}
               :more   #{"more than" "over"}
               :less   #{"less than" "under" "nearly"}}
      ;;Favourite numbers map a special number with its textual expressions
      :favorite-numbers {1/4  #{"a quarter" "a fourth"}
                         1/2  #{"a half"}}}}


Copyright © 2020 TokenMill UAB .

Distributed under the The Apache License, Version 2.0.

以上所述就是小编给大家介绍的《Convert a number to an approximated text expression》,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对 码农网 的支持!






萨芬 / 刘天慧 / 清华大学出版社 / 2011-3 / 98.00元

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